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May 21, 2022

Brendan Steele

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Southern Hills Country Club

Flash Quotes

BRENDAN STEELE: So they moved it up today, make it drivable, more exciting. It was a nice move by the PGA to do that. The winds is down and off the left so you have to start it left and try to cut it back towards the win. I did it but I over cut it a little bit. Ended up in the bunker which wasn't too bad a spot but there wasn't a ton of room and I just caught it really nice and it came out and skipped up and found the hole.

Q. It's looking like anything under par today is something. What would you say about the conditions?

BRENDAN STEELE: A really strange day because we've had warm weather and the wind's been going the total opposite direction.

So that's kind of all we've seen the whole week, so when you get to these holes where you have seen it off the left the whole week and now it's off right, it's hard to figure out where you need to hit it and what you need to do. Obviously the ball is going to go a lot shorter when we've lost 30 degrees in temperature.

Q. I'm sure that eagle on 17 big and kind of keeps you around. Do you have that feeling for tomorrow? What will be the goal?

BRENDAN STEELE: Yeah, for sure. We were saying that like on No. 12 today, we were saying if we could get to like 4- or 5-under that that would be a really, really good week. I think you probably know better, does Top-12 get exempt into next year? Yeah, so Top-12 is always a good goal. You want to be playing any PGA that you can. So it would be nice to have that checked off as well. That's probably a good goal and a Top-10 would be nice.

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