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April 8, 2022

Kevin Na

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. Kevin, how would you kind of assess that round?

KEVIN NA: I played really well. The wind wasn't as bad as the forecast said, which was nice. It was difficult out there, but there were some holes that you could make birdie on.

I putted very well, got up and down when I needed to, made a couple mistakes. Like for example, 17, bad club over the green. I'm not blaming my caddie, I should have hit 8. There's no way it was a 7. But the wind was -- at the end, it was kind of on and off. I thought it was off. I thought the wind was done and made a mistake.

Q. That seemed like the general consensus from players today that was the toughest part, that winds would gust and come down. Was that the toughest part?

KEVIN NA: Yeah, 12, same thing, I hit a perfect shot, and the wind kind of dies and oh, my goodness, it falls in the back bunker. The other two guys you could see hit it, and mine just went right through.

That's the tough part sometimes. Through these trees, the wind can vary by 10, 15 seconds. So that's the tough part.

Q. Do you feel like 18 was stealing a shot a little bit with that birdie?

KEVIN NA: It was nice to get one back after the mistake I made on 17. I was not too happy with myself. Especially when you hit a good shot and it's at the flag and it goes over and you make bogey. It's not like you made a bad swing.

I was trying to stay focused and trying -- because that pin on 18, you hit a good drive, and you can really -- you know, it's a birdie-able hole, and I was really happy to make birdie there.

Q. Did you feel like you hit a good wedge on 13?

KEVIN NA: I did. You know, that's a new green. I hit a really good wedge shot. It was probably a foot from being, you know, a really good shot. Then that putt coming through that fringe, it just came out dead out of there and just misjudged it. I'm kicking myself going maybe I should have gone for it.

So that's another mistake. I think that hole and 17 are the two mistakes I made. Besides that, I played fantastic.

Q. How have you felt about Augusta National for your game over the years? And is this year more conducive to you?

KEVIN NA: In the right conditions, I can do it out here. I know they've lengthened the course and made it favorable for the bombers, but you still have to really putt well and chip well here.

I've played here plenty of times where I know the course, I know where to hit it, and I know the breaks. At the end of the day, you've got to make putts, right? And I've been doing that.

Q. Do you feel like these are the type of conditions, especially with the kind of grind it mentality, that you feel you can thrive here?

KEVIN NA: I think so. I think, when it gets tough and short game really is a premium and when it's tough to make birdies and you've got to grind it out, fight it out, that's the style of play I like.

Q. Did you feel like 15 being tougher and harder to hit in two --

KEVIN NA: Honestly, unless it's straight downwind, if it's into the wind, it's no chance for me. It's like a simple -- it actually almost makes my options simpler because I know it's a layup.

Q. And it's your strength, wedge. What I'm saying is the rest of the field is not reaching it either.

KEVIN NA: No, they are. There's some boys that are.

Q. But not as much as normal?

KEVIN NA: Yeah, not as much.

Q. That helps a little?

KEVIN NA: A lot of guys can get there, but because they're further back and it's a tougher shot, they're not risking it. They can get there, but it's a higher risk.

Q. It puts everyone in there with a wedge, and that's to your advantage.

KEVIN NA: I don't know if it's to my -- well, I think that's the strength of my game, but you know.

Q. I just think that this year may be something that's your year.

KEVIN NA: Don't pump me up too much.

Q. It's fun to watch you play. You walked a couple in today?

KEVIN NA: I did. I had a couple of good, nice walk-ins.

Q. When you do that, do you think about that beforehand or it's just a reflex?

KEVIN NA: It's a reaction I have when I hit a good putt.

Q. When you hit a good putt, you know it kind of kicks in?


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