February 24, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA
PGA National Resort
Quick Quotes
Q. Just a general assessment of the round.
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, the course is playing tough. The greens are -- I'm expecting them to get a little firmer as the week goes on. You just have to be so on point here. I feel like there's not really any give to just kind of an easy hole out there. Everything just seems so challenging.
To come out here and not make a bogey for 18 holes is a great start, and just got to continue with that momentum for the rest of the week.
Q. When you go home tonight, will you think about the putt on 16 and the putt on 18 or will you think about the good things?
DANIEL BERGER: I hit good putts there and I think that's the biggest thing. I hit it where I was looking and they didn't go in and that's just the way golf goes. There's going to be plenty more of those as the week goes on. The greens are fast and they're undulating, and you just -- it's tough to make putts out here.
Q. Pretty sure you're the only bogey-free round in the afternoon. I don't know that you can ever call a round out here stress-free, but it seemed like it kind of was.
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, I felt really comfortable out here and I got some good prep leading up to the week. I came out on Sunday before the tournament and played some golf. It was kind of a mellow week in terms of preparation, and like I said, sleeping in your own bed is always amazing. This morning I got up and rode my bike around the neighborhood. It's just a very calming event for me.
Q. You were talking about you used to play -- kind of take for granted playing in this tournament. What does it mean to play like this after having to miss last year's tournament?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, it's tough. This is my seventh time playing this event and I've had some great week, so it's always nice to come back and play in front of family and friends. I'm just excited to be feeling better and competing again.
Q. Off-topic, on Monday he'll be officially named the Ryder Cup captain; AP has already reported it. What will make Zach Johnson a good Ryder Cup captain?
DANIEL BERGER: I think he's such a great blend of kind of new school/old school. He's been a part of so many big teams and he's played on TOUR for so long and he's so well respected among us out here that when he says something, you listen. Having spent some time with him at the Ryder Cup this year, I know he's going to make a great captain.
Q. Was he by any chance in your pod?
DANIEL BERGER: He was not, but you always are with those guys day in, day out for a whole week, so you get to know them more intimately than you did in the past.
Q. How is he behind the scenes?
DANIEL BERGER: He's very chill. He kind of reminds me of Captain Stricker. He's very low key, lets the guys do what they need to do to get ready, and he has great experience from Ryder Cups in the past.
Q. Was there a highlight, the early birdie, getting off to that good start?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, I think just staying patient, and obviously birdieing No. 1, getting off to a good start, and really limiting the amount of big numbers out there is important, and that's what I did today.
Q. Any par saves at all?
DANIEL BERGER: Yeah, I made a nice par save on 6 which kind of kept the momentum. I made some birdies and hung in there. Yeah, it was a good day overall.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
