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August 27, 2003

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Nadal's friend is going to translate.

Q. I want to find out, you think you're ready for a Grand Slam title now or you need a little more time?

RAFAEL NADAL: He doesn't think he's ready to win.

Q. He needs a little more time?

RAFAEL NADAL: He might never win it, but he's going to try to win it this year. He's going to work hard and try to win.

Q. He plays El Aynaoui next. What are your thoughts about the match?

RAFAEL NADAL: He says El Aynaoui plays better on hard courts. He played against him in Bastad this summer and beat him in three sets.

Q. Beat him in three sets?

RAFAEL NADAL: Rafael beat him in three sets. He's a very dangerous player, serves very well, big forehand. He's playing his best tennis the last couple of years.

Q. Did doing reasonably well at Wimbledon, does that help playing well on other surfaces besides clay? Does that give you more confidence for playing here on hard courts?

RAFAEL NADAL: He said he likes all kinds of surfaces. He prefers clay court. But he doesn't mind.

Q. How do you adapt your game for hard court? Looks like you're pretty close to the baseline when you return, take the ball pretty early.

RAFAEL NADAL: On the clay, he returns -- he backs up on the court more, tries to hit harder, a little bit more aggressive.

Q. Can you talk about the reception you've received? You had a lot of young fans and people wanting autographs.

RAFAEL NADAL: He says it's nothing special. Just normally in the Grand Slams, there's more people to ask, but it's not that many people. Nothing more special than other tournaments. There weren't many people there asking him for autographs.

Q. Did you set any goal coming into this event, what you wanted to do?

RAFAEL NADAL: He said that his goal is to play match by match. He's been three weeks without competing. He was coming to this match a little, you know, lack of matches. But he's just looking forward every match, match after match.

Q. What areas of the game are you working to improve?

RAFAEL NADAL: He says he's trying to work on everything, but especially on the serve and volley.

Q. What is wrong with your fingers?

RAFAEL NADAL: He had like a cut, and they taped it. The tape made another cut when he was playing.

Q. He plays left-handed. How could he cut himself?

RAFAEL NADAL: It's on the left.

Q. Has your soccer-playing uncle helped you deal with all the attention and pressure you're getting?

RAFAEL NADAL: He always gets the same question. He gets along very well with his uncle, but it's nothing to deal with pressure. Just a regular relation.

Q. How has Carlos Moya helped your career?

RAFAEL NADAL: He said living in Mallorca, it's a small place. Being able to hit with him, being Top 5, he's got a higher level than Rafael. It helped him a lot practicing with a better player than him to improve his game.

Q. First time to New York?

RAFAEL NADAL: In vacation he came with his family, but never play.

End of FastScripts….

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