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October 13, 2003

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions in Spanish, please.

Q. You fought until the last moment.

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. I haven't played too well. But even though I've been training hard during the last weeks, I've seen there was something missing in the matches. I don't know if it's physical, mental control, but I'm not playing as well as I used to. But that happens. It can happen. What we have to do is to keep working hard. True I haven't played well. But last week was worse. My game was more defensive. This week I've changed this. I've played in a more aggressive way. That's I think one of the key steps forward and I can improve.

Q. Why do you think you're not playing as aggressively as before, as at the beginning of the season?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know why. Maybe it's a bad period for myself. Maybe I'm not confident enough. But I have to work and continue as quickly as possible.

Q. Your serve today has not been good; it hasn't worked. During training periods, you were better.

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I don't agree. My serve did not worry me today. It was a bit slower than it should have been today. But the serve was not one of my weakest points today. In fact, during training, I think I'm good at it. I don't usually train with an aggressive serve. Time will change my serve. I'm worried about being aggressive.

Q. Were you worried to play against Corretja, to whom you lost?

RAFAEL NADAL: Sometimes I've lost against him. I just want to congratulate him. I played well throughout the season. I think it has nothing to do that Corretja has had a bad year. I just lost. I started strong. At the end, I was a little mixed up. That was before, and this time I don't think I was confident enough. I was calmer, but that was not enough either.

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