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May 6, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions in English, please.

Q. Rafael, you have played a lot of tennis in the last six weeks. Are you starting to feel tired?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, no. I didn't feel tired, no. But today is different match. He start well, go to the net. When I play the first set, there is a lot of wind and is not easy for me, no? But I serve for the set in the 5-4. I don't play a good game and I lost the set. But I am happy because after the first set, I... I don't know (smiling)... after the first set I begin well the second set. Is not easy, no, because I lost the first set like two breaks consecutive, no?

Q. What has changed over the last four to six weeks with all these victories? How has life changed for you?


Q. Well, life as a tennis player.

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I don't know, no. I have confidence, I am playing good, and I don't know what's the reason, no? But I think I improve a little my serve, I improve my control, forehand, backhand, and I feel good in court. I am happy when I stay in the court, and I think that's the reason for I won the matches, no?

Q. What were you feeling in that first set? Were you feeling frustrated at all?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, no. No frustrated. But I lost the first set in the tournament, no? I can't play well every day. Today I play I think my baddest match and is normal, no. So the important I can improve in the next two sets and won the match, no? Is difficult match and I can won the match is the important, no.

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