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May 7, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions in English, please.

Q. Today you really were tired, yes?

RAFAEL NADAL: A little bit, yes. I feel little bit tired mentally and physical, huh. But I fight every ball, and this is the difference for won the match, no, I think.

Q. When you made that backhand crosscourt to take yourself to matchpoint, you didn't seem tired. I thought you were going to jump over the grandstand. It was a great backhand crosscourt.

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I don't remember very well, but (smiling)... That is in the moment, I don't feel nothing. I only feel happy for the point. I do when I can, I don't know.

Q. What made the difference between you and Ferrer today?

RAFAEL NADAL: No difference, I think. I think he play better tennis the first two sets. He play better. He miss two balls, two double-faults in the 1-1, 3-Love, two forehands outside, and I can come back to the match, no? But he's playing very, very well. The third set I feel better. I play better and better in the third set. I am happy because I finish the match with my best level in the match, no?

Q. If it is Agassi, you've never played him. How do you look at playing Agassi?

RAFAEL NADAL: I want to play against Agassi, no? Is one of the best players in the history. I know if won Agassi, is very difficult match. But I want play against him because I never play and he is one of the best players I know. And I want to play against him before he retire, no?

Q. Do you have a blister on your hand?

RAFAEL NADAL: I have only (showing his hand)...

Q. Doesn't bother you?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, it's okay. It's okay.

Q. What do you mean by being "mentally tired"?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, only a little. But I improve with the match, no?Normal, no? I won a lot of matches. I play too much. Is not easy match for me. He play very good and is a difficult match, no? I cannot play very well every and every day, no. I don't play my best tennis today in the first two sets, but the important is I come back in the third. I improve my tennis, no?

Q. Ferrer saved two matchpoints. Did you think you were in trouble then?

RAFAEL NADAL: Of course. 5-5 in the third set, I have problems. But he have problems, too, no (smiling)?

End of FastScripts….

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