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May 8, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions in English, please.

Q. You must be absolutely thrilled with that performance today.

RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, I am very happy. Is my second Masters Series. I played today one of the toughest match in my life. I am very happy because is a very important tournament for me, no.

Q. How did you get the energy to come back from 0-3 in the last set?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I think the public is very important for me because when I stay 3-0 in the -- 0-3 in the fifth, my energy is finish. But the public all the time apported (sic) me (laughing)... supported, supported me. For that, I can win the match.

Q. Did you think your chance had gone after the fourth set?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, no. I think I can won in the fifth set, no? But he play very well the first three games, and I was a little tired. And if he play well and I am a little tired, it's normal he come to for 3-Love and the match is very difficult for me, no, with 3-Love in the fifth. But I can won. I can won thanks to the public.

Q. Which is more difficult: Playing for five and a quarter hours, or speaking English?

RAFAEL NADAL: I think play five hours, huh (smiling)? So I don't speak nothing English and I speak now, eh (smiling)?

Q. What was the problem with your hand? Was it a factor?

RAFAEL NADAL: Nothing. Only (showing his hand). You can see? The other one is the same.

Q. Was it a problem? Did you have difficulty to hold the racquet or what?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, no.

THE INTERPRETER: It's a blister.

Q. What are you doing between now and the French Open?

RAFAEL NADAL: I go to Hamburg tomorrow. No, I will see tomorrow. But after Hamburg I have one week off, and after play Paris, no?

Q. In the tiebreaker, 6-5, matchpoint, and then you double-fault.

RAFAEL NADAL: Double-fault.

Q. Was that nerves (laughter)?

RAFAEL NADAL: Little. Little nervous, yes. I think about the ace in the first set -- in the first serve, but I don't have nothing ace today, no? But I think with the ace in the first serve, was out like this. And in the second serve, I can't, I can do nothing.

Q. How does this match compare to Davis Cup?

RAFAEL NADAL: The Davis Cup is different, no? But today is fifth set, is five sets, the same like Davis Cup, and against one of the best players in the world, no, in clay? And in Davis Cup always is difficult matches because you play against the best players in the world, too, no? But is different. Is different, the Davis Cup, to the rest of tournaments.

Q. When you go to Hamburg tomorrow, will you see how you will feel before you decide to play?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, yeah. I will see.

Q. More than ever, you are the favorite for Roland Garros. You don't agree, I suppose?

RAFAEL NADAL: Every time when I won a match I am favorite for Roland Garros, no? I don't know. I playing good, but after two weeks I don't know if I play the same like now, no? So the favorites of Roland Garros is the players when in Roland Garros play better, no?

Q. Were you close to cramping, do you think, in the fifth set?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, only in the toe.

End of FastScripts….

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