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October 23, 2005

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions in Spanish, please. Quick because he wants to watch the football match.

Q. How many times have you recovered down two sets in a five-set match?

RAFAEL NADAL: First time.

Q. What was the key point to change the match?

RAFAEL NADAL: The public's support, the crowd. Elsewhere in the world, it would have been impossible to defeat Ljubicic. Thanks to them, I won this final. Now I want to believe in myself a little more also.

Q. Your year is impressive. Will you have time to rest before Shanghai?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I want to keep my feet on the ground. I won two very important matches in my life: Davis Cup was one of them, and against Karlovic was another one on that surface. But, yeah, this year is a bit different. I feel comfortable, besides my physical problems.

Q. We thought a victory in three sets was possible because we saw you losing the first and second set. Were you doubting?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I had doubts throughout the whole match. Two sets behind, he was playing great. How many aces did he make? Do you know? 32. What do you think about that? I didn't even see the ball.

Q. How much of your success today do you attribute to your doctor?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, last year's injury in my foot, too. He's always supported me. He always advises me what to do. I usually follow his advice. Sometimes I don't. But I need to thank him for his opinion, because his opinion is usually the right one. He's a very good doctor.

Q. You said before some of Ljubicic's serve were very strong, even 234 kilometers per hour. How do you play against a player like this with this serve? How do you fight and keep consistent until the end?

RAFAEL NADAL: It's very, very tough because when you serve you have trouble. When the opponent serves, he sometimes makes two, three aces in a row. When you serve, you usually lose the game. Sometimes you come down, you lose your hopes. You think, "Let's win the game." But it's very difficult to break his serve. However, I was looking forward to winning something. I was enthusiastic anyway. You need to fight. Mentally, I was strong. That made me win. As I said, thanks to the crowd for their support.

Q. About the bands you are wearing on your knee, what is the effect they have?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it's just a soothing effect. It doesn't cure your knee. It keeps your patella a little bit higher. I think the doctor should explain it to you because I don't really know what it does. It reduces the impact point of the patella on your knee.

Q. Will you be in Paris?

RAFAEL NADAL: I hope to.

Q. I think it was a mental and physical effort. What percentage do you attribute to each of these aspects on the court? Are you about to travel tomorrow to Basel?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't need doctors right now, I want to go to Basel and win the tournament. I don't need to travel, but I want to get there, see how I feel. I hope to play the tournament.

Q. Percentage?

RAFAEL NADAL: I think it was more mental than physical. Physically, I was feeling tired.

Q. An incredible year since the Davis Cup till now. Do you think your goals are getting higher and higher for next year? Are you afraid of the responsibility?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I think this year is almost impossible to repeat. I'm going to start next year in high spirits, but without pressure because this has been an incredible year, a year to remember, to keep at home like a picture you hang on the wall. Next year, I'll try my best, knowing and being conscious that I cannot repeat this.

Q. Are you going to go to the stadium tonight to watch Real Madrid?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I won't get there at 9:00, but I hope to be there for the second part.

Q. What do you think about Tiriac's comments about you? Do you think he was kidding?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, it's usual with him. He puts me down often. But he said in Paris when I learned to play tennis I would be great. I hope actually to improve as he wishes me to improve. I don't want to see his words as negative, but actually as positive words.

Q. (In English.) When you were two sets behind, what did you think and feel?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) No, I think is very difficult match for sure, no? Two sets to zero down, Ljubicic playing unbelievable. I can do nothing because he's playing unbelievable. He serve very, very good.

Q. (In English.) Did you try to change the way you played a little more?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) Yeah, I change a little bit. I play a little bit more aggressive with my forehand, and the public support me a lot. For that reason I can come back, no?

Q. (In English.) Is this and the Davis Cup the best support you have ever had?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) I think, yes, probably. I think, yes.

Q. (In English.) Can you tell physically, how are you now? Are you okay? 70%?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) No, no, I'm okay. I have pain in the two knees. Today is a very, very tough match. But I feel okay. I will speak with the doctors and I will have a test.

Q. (In English.) There's still a chance you might play Basel and Paris?

RAFAEL NADAL: (In English.) I don't know. I think is a lot of tournaments. But my illusion is to stay in there in the two tournaments.

End of FastScripts….

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