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October 9, 2021

Bianca Andreescu

Press Conference


7-5, 5-7, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Walk us through your thoughts on the match tonight.

BIANCA ANDREESCU: Yeah, I felt like I could have raised my level a little bit more throughout the match because that's what she did, that's how she came back in those important moments.

But I think the key for me today was to keep my composure as much as I can and not to feel the pressure of the crowd or being defending champion. I think I dealt with that better in the third set.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You didn't show much emotion right at the end before you went to the net. Was your first internal emotion relief at having won on happiness at having won?

BIANCA ANDREESCU: A little bit of both. I can be really hard on myself sometimes. I felt like during the match I was just getting too upset. I don't know. I think it was more of relief because it was tough, it was hard.

I'm tired. I'm not going to lie.

Q. You're saying you can be hard on yourself. None of that was showing on the outside. Was it almost more effort to hold it in rather than let it out?

BIANCA ANDREESCU: Yeah, I didn't want to waste energy letting it out. I just took deep breaths. I'm glad it didn't show.

Q. How important was it to get this match over with, done, everything that surrounds the triumphant return? Do you feel it's significant to put it behind you?

BIANCA ANDREESCU: Yeah, I try not to look at it like that, though. I just want to go into the match like it's any other match with the same importance. When I focus too much on, like, external things, that's when things get tricky. I try to just focus on the things that I can control. I say that a lot, but it's super important.

I feel like this year I kind of got away from that and focused too much on the external. It's a process. I'm staying patient. I think I did a good job of that today.

Q. You talk a lot about needing to stay positive, the energy that can imbue you with. Was it easy to stay within a positive mind frame going into tonight or was it a struggle?

BIANCA ANDREESCU: No, it actually wasn't. I've been feeling really good the last couple of days. I've been working hard, training very well and just enjoying Indian Wells. The hikes are gorgeous. The food is really good. It's just good vibes out here.

Q. What are you going to do to take care of yourself emotionally and physically in the next 24 to 48 hours?

BIANCA ANDREESCU: I'm going to stick to my regular routines. After this, I'm going to do my cool-down, all that stuff. Take it easy tomorrow, work on some things on the court for my next match. Just enjoy my day off because it's very much needed.

Q. Looking ahead to playing Kontaveit, can you talk about what you might expect in that match.

BIANCA ANDREESCU: Well, I did play her on grass this year. I know it's a different surface, so things can go either way because both of us have very suitable hard court game styles.

I think it's going to be a good match. I definitely have to bring my A game because she's a really good player.

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