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September 3, 1999

Cedric Pioline

Flushing Meadows, New York

USTA: Questions for Cedric.

Q. Long five-setter. You finished the match with a 6-2 set. Do you come out feeling confident at this point? General impressions of the match.

CEDRIC PIOLINE: I think I played okay. I mean, the guy today played a good match. He took all the chances he had. I'm happy I could win the match because it could be for him.

Q. With the top seeds out, do you see this as possibly a Grand Slam event that you have a realistic shot of taking?

CEDRIC PIOLINE: You know, I beat Rafter. Today I had a very difficult match against a qualifier. Everybody's playing very good in the tournament. You have to take match-by-match. If you think you're going into the final, and you don't play the match before, you will never be in final. I have to concentrate on each match. Today was tough. I have to think now about my next match.

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