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June 28, 2021

Nikoloz Basilashvili

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

A. MURRAY/N. Basilashvili

6-4, 6-3, 5-7, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What were your thoughts late in the third set?

NIKOLOZ BASILASHVILI: I was just playing point by point. I could not play, in my opinion, good level from first two sets, and I was waiting until I would start playing because I was under pressure a lot.

It was my first, I actually never stepped, never saw actually Centre Court even though I'm coming here last six years. And for me, I was in big pressure. I was more tight.

I would compare this match in Roland Garros, second round as well there I got extremely tight. I don't know for what reason. Just not relaxing, not playing my game.

But obviously coming back in third set from 5-0, it was a good moment for me, but generally I'm not that happy.

Q. How would you describe the way Andy played the first two sets and your thoughts as you were able to turn it around?

NIKOLOZ BASILASHVILI: Obviously Andy would come up game which would hurt me. Ball court, Centre Court is slippery. Ball does not bounce, bounces very low, so he was playing very specific style.

I was expecting that, but how I execute and how I answered on his kind of tactics was not good quality, was not there.

Q. Your evaluation of Andy as he also is battling back from injuries?

NIKOLOZ BASILASHVILI: I mean, big, it's unbelievable effort I think for him after surgery, after so many comebacks to come back and fight. He fights unbelievably, and I was expecting that. We all know that how big fighter he is on court.

Yeah, I think it was well done to him.

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