June 18, 2021
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Blythefield Country Club
Quick Quotes
Q. It's been two years since we returned to Meijer. Where does this rank in terms of your favorites?
IN GEE CHUN: I really like play golf here because they have like huge golf fan. They're so nice, and then I can feel it they love golf a lot. So when I play with them together it's so much fun. So I really like this event.
Q. And what was your goal coming into this week?
IN GEE CHUN: Trying to make good golf feel before go major.
Q. And then speaking of next week would be KPMG. What is the goal going into the next couple days for KPMG?
IN GEE CHUN: I want to get positive energy from in here as much as I can, so that's my goal.
Q. You had a week off last week. What did you do? Did you work on your golf game?
IN GEE CHUN: I did, yes. I did, I work hard my game last couple three days before came here. First few days got rest and buying furniture, cook food a lot.
Q. You moved into a house last year. How has that been?
IN GEE CHUN: I bought house January, so I think I really enjoy staying my house. It's a little tough to being like homeowner, but I think it's good. It's just different feel.
Q. Lastly, charities are a huge part of who you are and you also have a charity in Pennsylvania. The winner at Meijer this year for the first time will get $25,000 to donate to a local food bank. How do you feel about that new tradition?
IN GEE CHUN: Yeah, I think charity is really important for me. Growing up I got so much help from other people is how I made my dream come true, so if I can have the opportunity I'm really happy.
So I want to try my best.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
