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June 17, 2021

Sophia Popov

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Sophia, what a great first round here at Meijer. First of all, how does it feel to be back here?

SOPHIA POPOV: It feels great. I think this was -- previous to the Open win last year this was my best finish I had on LPGA. So that was in 2018 and I really loved it here. This is I think my third time out here now.

And it's a course that really suits my eye and just I really like being here, the whole like everything that goes around it. And now with what they did, the changes they made to the course, it's just really, really nice, and I kind of just really look forward to playing out here.

Q. And there are a lot more spectators than in the past year. How is that and does that add to the momentum?

SOPHIA POPOV: Yeah, it's nice. I feel like for the first time -- the U.S. Open was the first time really -- but to clap, for people to clap when you make birdies or hit good shots is really nice to hear.

I think we all unfortunately got used to not hearing those claps and those cheers, but now the difference is just that much bigger. Even if we're not at full capacity it feels 100% different than before.

Q. Just going back to the course conditions and it suiting your eye, how does it feel? What parts of the course I guess fit you?

SOPHIA POPOV: You know, I think that honestly today I scrambled really well. So what I like is if I'm not hitting it great and missing some of the greens, I have a lot of faith in myself to get up and down from lots of spots around the green.

I kind of like the type of grass. It's what I grew up on, kind of just regular bent grass. Suits my short game mostly I think. And I think I would consider myself a good wedge player. You have a lot of wedges out here, so that, again, suits me a lot.

Q. And couple more questions. You were coming into this week knowing that next week is a major and of course you're a major champion. What were you hoping for this week?

SOPHIA POPOV: Honestly, just a solid -- just to play solid golf and I guess find things in my swing that help me for next week. There are things that I need to clean up. I know that.

I think this is a good test run for next week, because I would love to play well next week also. So if I can just get a solid finish this week, obviously wouldn't mind a win either, but just go out and figure out where my game is exactly.

Q. Last question: What's your goal and motto going to be heading into the rest of the rounds?

SOPHIA POPOV: I think just keep playing aggressively. I know there are a lot of birdies out there. I know there will below scores. Just trust myself to hit the shots that I have to and be aggressive with my putting.

The greens are not as fast as they were in previous years and it took me a good two to three days to adjust to that. Even today I left quite a few short online.

So just to be a little bit more aggressive all in all. I think that's going to be a good motto.

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