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June 3, 2021

Amy Olson

San Francisco, California, USA

The Olympic Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Amy Olson with us. How do you feel about your score today? A couple over. Not too bad for a starting round.

AMY OLSON: I started off rough. I was 2-over I think after 3 actually, so to finish at 2-over I really fought (indiscernible) back for that. Obviously, you just don't want to shoot yourself out of it right away.

I missed some opportunities out there. I wasn't in the fairway as much as I'd like, and this is a tough golf course to play when you're not in the fairway.

Q. Do you feel the challenge is something that gets you maybe more excited and determined versus a course where maybe 15 or 18 under par is going to win?

AMY OLSON: Yeah, I really love U.S. Opens and how they're set up. You have to hit quality golf shots. I really didn't today, so I'm going to go to the range and try to figure that out for tomorrow, but I do like when you know the target score isn't 25-under.

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