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September 12, 2002

Kenneth Staton


TODD BUDNICK: Kenneth Staton 4 under, 67. Kind of been an up-and-down year for you. You must have been happy with a good start today.

KENNETH STATON: Yes, definitely. It seems like every time I look forward to a tournament and I'm ready to go and I prepare myself, I shoot just a mediocre round the first round so getting off to a fast start is something new for me this year.

Q. Did you have a chance to play it prior to today?

KENNETH STATON: No, well, I played in the pro-am on Monday, got another practice round in on Tuesday and that's it.

Q. And you like the course?

KENNETH STATON: Yes, I do. It sets up well for me, it played a little different on Monday and Tuesday because of the wind and the greens were a lot firmer. But the speed of the greens are good. I think if you get them a little quicker then it really gets treacherous out there. It's tough to make birdies and two-putt.

Q. How did you feel about the way you were playing coming into the week?

KENNETH STATON: I will tell you all year I felt -- I really haven't played bad except for the first tournament of the year. I have had some really bad scores but swinging and hitting the ball, striking the ball it's been fine all year. It's all about knowing the course and this is my first year on tour so I have struggled with some of the courses, the variety of different courses that we play and the last probably month I have been working on my putting and trying to figure something out just to have chances all year. I'm a terrible putter, I don't know what I'm ranked on Tour but it's got to be one of the last.

I've also struggled out of the rough, but the rough on the PGA TOUR -- I played the Canadian Tour the last four years and there is courses up there, they grow the rough but not like out here. They say it's 4 or 5 inches and where I hit it it's 7 to 8 inches and especially around the greens. And it's taking me a while to get used to hitting flop shots through the rough out here.

Q. Ken, after 17 off of the 3 putt you get it back and birdie 18, what did you tell yourself after that 3 putt, just forget about it?

KENNETH STATON: Yes, I told myself to forget about it. I lost a little concentration there and it's really my own fault. And I know 17 is a good birdie hole. When I hit it in the rough I just told myself don't bogey the last hole, actually what I told myself, so that's probably why I was favoring the right side a little more actually than going at the pin. I don't know the course very well so I wasn't sure what was on the left-hand side where the pin was. So I played a little safe there and it worked out fine.

TODD BUDNICK: Everybody set? Thanks, Ken.

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