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July 9, 2005

Craig Bowden


Q. Well, here you are, you haven't done a lot this year, and it looks like you're taking advantage of a wonderful opportunity.

CRAIG BOWDEN: Yeah, it's been fun this week. I've been playing pretty well. When I'm playing, it's been okay. It's been kind of a stop and start season with the baby and everything, but yeah, I'm encouraged.

I feel pretty good about my game right now, hitting it really solid. I didn't capitalize on some of my opportunities today, but I'm still in decent shape for tomorrow.

Q. I know you guys don't like to look ahead, but this week it's kind of a bonus; if you win here, you also get a trip to St. Andrews for the British Open.

CRAIG BOWDEN: Yeah, that would be cool. I'm kind of in a tough predicament because I've got my motor home here and my wife and my baby and I don't know what I'm going to do, but if it happens, it happens, and I'll deal with it when it comes.

Q. It would be a nice problem to have?


I'm hitting the ball well and making a few putts and looking forward to tomorrow and seeing what happens.

Q. Do you have a number in mind for tomorrow?


Q. What do you think it's going to take?

CRAIG BOWDEN: I don't even know. I have no clue. I mean, I'm just going to go out there tomorrow and play every hole to the best of my ability and see what happens at the end of the day, and if I have a chance, that will be fun. That will be an exciting week. It's already been a good week.

Q. Talk about the course a little. How is it playing? Is it different from the first couple of days?

CRAIG BOWDEN: It is different. They have the pins tucked a little bit better today. They had them in some tougher spots, but overall the course is in great shape. The greens are holding up well with obviously the heat has been I don't know what it is today, 95 or something, but yeah, the course is in great shape. The superintendent is doing a wonderful job. Yeah, it's in good shape.

Q. Ideal day for scoring?

CRAIG BOWDEN: It was today. The wind has been tough to read here all week long. It's been out of the south, out of the southeast, out of the east. It's been a little tough to read at times, but it's not enough wind to really knock the ball around a whole lot.

End of FastScripts.

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