April 12, 2021
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
Kapolei Golf Club
Press Conference
THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome inside the virtual media center here at the LOTTE Championship.
Without further ado, aloha and welcome back to Hawaii.
Q. What was this past week like for you? What did you take with you from the last two events?
IN GEE CHUN: I work out with my weight trainer at Mission Hills and I moved to San Francisco and I play Olympic Golf Club two days and then I came here.
Q. I want to touch on that. So you were able to get a sneak peek of the U.S. Open Women's Open course this year with a couple other players. What was that like?
IN GEE CHUN: So you mean like...
Q. What was it like getting taste of Olympic Club?
IN GEE CHUN: It's very hilly and greens are so small. I really like the course and I met a lot of good like members up there and I play with the members.
They're lovely. I'm exciting to go to like U.S. Open this year.
Q. Was that YOUR first time playing there?
Q. So interesting way to spend the off week. Very interesting.
IN GEE CHUN: It was good. And I have friend there, so...
Q. So you were able to relax a bit before coming out to Hawaii?
IN GEE CHUN: Uh-huh.
Q. Nice. So we didn't play this tournament here in 2020. What is it like to return back to the island?
IN GEE CHUN: I think all the players love to play golf in Hawaii. We have the ocean view. Sometimes it's tough to play with the strong wind, but especially in Hawaii we love to play the golf with strong wind.
Q. You've had some impressive performances in the past four years. You've been a runner-up twice. Though it isn't the same golf club, what is it about Hawaii that you really love coming back and playing here?
IN GEE CHUN: Honestly I didn't know I had two runner ups from Hawaii, so I want to take that confidence for later. So I'm looking forward make another good result from Hawaii.
Q. Have you played the course yet?
IN GEE CHUN: Yeah, I did.
Q. What do you like about it?
IN GEE CHUN: Course is in great shape. Greens are in great shape. And then greens are not super fast but roll very true.
So even and I really enjoy to play with Hawaiian breeze, so...
Q. I was going to say, when the winds are up this can be quite a challenging place. How do you fare against windy conditions?
IN GEE CHUN: No one can control the weather, so I think I have to just enjoy it, the Hawaiian wind, to be like humble with this course.
Q. What do you like most about Kapolei Golf Club so far and what are some of the differences to Ko Olina?
IN GEE CHUN: I think fairways are pretty similar, but we have more challenging on the green so we need like good second shots and good number.
So I can say like more second-shot golf course, yeah.
Q. What do you like most about returning to Hawaii in general? I know with COVID it's a little difficult to do a lot, but what's most exciting about being back in beautiful Hawaii?
IN GEE CHUN: I already told you, like Hawaiian breeze and the good food and the good weather.
I always enjoy to play in Hawaii, yeah.
Q. What kind of weight training did you do in Mission Hills? How long have you instilled weight training?
IN GEE CHUN: Off week I did every day. I think one hard day, one easy day, one strength day.
So I did whole days like when I had off week, yeah.
Q. How much do you think it helps your game?
IN GEE CHUN: It's a lot. So even like when I skip the weight training then when I just play golf a lot, then my back is going like -- get round shoulder, and it help to fix it, the problem.
And even more power help a lot, yep.
Q. When did you start focusing on weight training as part of your preparation?
IN GEE CHUN: With my weight training we been together like last six years, so it's very long.
Q. So it's very important to you.
Q. Wow. What are some of your favorite exercises?
IN GEE CHUN: I hate all of them, but if I have to pick one, I go to like stretching. The most easy one.
Q. I feel that. As we begin wrapping up this portion, what does it mean to return to Hawaii after not playing in 2020? This tournament wasn't able to happen. What does it mean to be back at LOTTE Championship in 2021?
IN GEE CHUN: After COVID I think everyone got hard time, so even I was little disappointed we couldn't play all the events in 2020.
Then now we be here, back here, so I really appreciate to LOTTE to make this event. I know how it's hard under this COVID, so I really appreciate to all the sponsors. Yeah.
Q. And as you have done weight training, as you've been working with your coaches, how comfortable are you feeling heading into this week in your game?
IN GEE CHUN: I'm trying to be humble and like trying to like focus on playing my game, and I will do my best one shot after one shot.
Yeah, I don't want to worry about my score, so...
Q. This is our last question coming in from Zoom. You had a very strong start to the season. Has making the Olympic team crossed your mind at all?
IN GEE CHUN: Oh, it's very honor to play like playing golf with our national flag on in the Olympic. It's my dream, too.
But we have so many good Korean players, so I just trying to be my best, and if I have a chance to go there, I'm really happy.
But now I have to make focus on ever each tournament, then we'll see.
Q. All right. Thank you, In Gee, for joining us today.
IN GEE CHUN: Thank you.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
