March 23, 2021
Carlsbad, California, USA
Park Hyatt Aviara Golf Club
Press Conference
THE MODERATOR: Good afternoon everyone. Welcome to Aviara and the virtual media center at the Kia Classic.
Now we are joined by two-time major champion and the current No. 50 in the Rolex Rankings, In Gee Chun. Thank you so much for joining us, In Gee.
IN GEE CHUN: Thank you.
Q. First things first, the LPGA Tour back at Aviara Golf Club for the 11th Kia Classic after the event was postponed in 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic.
What's the feeling to be back in Carlsbad and compete in this event now two years in the making?
IN GEE CHUN: I feel very happy to be back here because Aviara one of my favorite course and I always enjoy to play in San Diego.
So I really appreciate to Kia for making this event happen.
Q. You like the weather around here, the cool and the --
IN GEE CHUN: Yeah, weather is really great and all the flowers look so pretty. It's really vivid here. Yeah.
Q. They do a really good job keeping the beauty up around the course. This event in particular you've earned some solid results, including a top 10 in 2017. What is it about this course that makes it stand out from others?
IN GEE CHUN: I think this course is little hillier than other golf course so it looks very friendlier because growing up in Korea we had a lot of mountain golf course. So when I play here I feel like a little bit home course.
Q. Is there a course back at home that resembles Aviara?
Q. One in particular that you remember from a back home?
IN GEE CHUN: When I was growing up in Korea I play a lot like that golf course.
Q. Uh-huh. Is there a specific name for it?
IN GEE CHUN: I think it was Korea has that like golf course, like one of my sponsor event KB major champion in Korea, they have like really hilly golf course.
Q. So it's like playing there?
Q. Right in your old backyard back home. Second of all kind of to that question, what's the excitement to have Kia back as a tournament host and sponsor and how good of a job do they do hosting?
IN GEE CHUN: They made really good events, so all the player, I think they really enjoy to play this event.
Q. Earlier this year you talked about Steve Eubanks and shared your story about dealing with depression and working toward a stronger mental approach to not only the game on the golf course, but off the course and life in general. What have you done to find that strong mental place, and is the way you have performed early in the year so far a sign that you are in fact in a different and good place mentally?
IN GEE CHUN: I think all athletics, they working hard, and I did too, but when I try working hard to make me more pressure. I felt like I have to made right result but I couldn't made it; it was a lot of pressure. So I couldn't enjoy the process and couldn't enjoy to play the golf and practice.
Now I'm trying to make more enjoy to play golf and I trust myself I'm right on the process. So I don't think about the result. Just staying present. It helped me a lot. So now I think I have a good on and off in my life, so now I have a good balance like golf and my life.
Q. That's exciting to find that good balance when you can match everything up. I would imagine it has to feel really good.
IN GEE CHUN: Yeah, it is.
Q. Who have you worked with in particular? Is there an individual or company? I know LPGA has some sponsors that help with some mental training. Is there a person or organization that you've worked with to help you in the process?
IN GEE CHUN: Well, when I got depression, my parents and my coach and my friends, they trying to help me a lot. But I got depression and I couldn't hear what they said, so I make -- like hurt them.
So my swing coach is as well as my mental coach, so he talk me a lot positive things, but I couldn't hear. Now my ears open a little bit, so I really appreciate them. I think without them I couldn't get back to normal In Gee.
So I really appreciate to all my friends and my family and coach and my manager.
Q. Normal In Gee. That's what everybody loves out here, right? (Laughter.) Also strikes fear in people, right? Because normal In Gee is someone that can be very fearful on the course with how well you play. Do you have a different approach then mentally when you step on the course now and compete than you did a year or two years ago?
IN GEE CHUN: I think when I got depression I felt like I had -- I felt like just I couldn't get back, I can't. So it was just really negative mood, so when I got negative mood I just doesn't know what I have to do, but now I'm trying to myself, I want to try this, I want to try this.
So make self to make happy, happier. Just go out and just have more time with my manager. She's the same age, so just go out to make fun or can do like make (indiscernible) to ourself.
Q. Okay. That's fun. You were a 2016 Olympian for Korea. There are so many great Korean players in the women's game. With it being an Olympic year, how high of a goal is it for you to make the Korean Olympic team in 2021?
IN GEE CHUN: So I had a great experience at 2016 Rio Olympics. It was great, good experience. But I know all the Koreans, they're really good players. They have -- we have good players. So I know it's not easy, but who knows?
So I will try my best and keep trying my best.
Q. You're right on your way with three Top 10s to start the year. Off to that really good start. Can you take us behind the scenes when it comes to qualifying for the Korean team specifically. How fierce is the competition and how much does the honor of representing your country mean to you, to the Inbee Parks the world, Sei Young Kims? What does it mean to represent your country?
IN GEE CHUN: Always is really honor to play with national flag on, so at the same time it's a lot of pressure, but I really enjoy the pressure.
Just means a lot, so I hope I'm going to play again with the national flag on my T-shirt. I just keep trying my best.
Q. That's a good motto. Off to a really great start this year finishing three straight Top 10s, including a pair ever fourth place finals. Are you getting back to the level that you and everyone else out here knows that you can compete at, and just how good of a place is your game in right now?
IN GEE CHUN: I think everything is all right. Just keep going. When I finish top 10 all my friends on the tour, they came to me and said, Oh, good job, In Gee, good round last week or this event. So it was really happy. Very lucky to have all my good friends on the tour.
Q. Has to be nice when they can come up and congratulate you are like that.
IN GEE CHUN: Yeah, it is.
Q. You have two major championships on your resume: 2015 U.S. Women's Open and the 2016 Evian Championship. The first major of the golf season is right around the corner next week in Rancho Mirage for the ANA Inspiration. Obviously you want to do well here this week. Preparing for the first major of the year, how eager are you to find your way back into a major championship winner's circle?
IN GEE CHUN: So my first U.S. major was a U.S. Open, so was dream come true. I'm here now, so it means a lot. And I really enjoy to play in the major events because make you have to test all the skills, like driving or the second shot; you need good like short game or on the green, putting green.
So I really enjoy to play in the majors, and so exciting to go to first major event in 2021.
Q. It's a challenging event and brings out the best in your game?
IN GEE CHUN: Uh-huh.
Q. I have a fun one for you. How has the adjustment been to living in America? You talked about recently you bought a house in the Dallas area earlier this year near your good friend Sei Young Kim. I would imagine there is some trouble between you two having so much fun down in Dallas. First of all, what's it been like to adjust to living in America?
IN GEE CHUN: It feel a little bit different. Now I got a title so I have to care about all the mails. It's a lot, but it's really cool. So before I got all fix my house was empty, so I got last off weeks I went to my house and filled all the furniture. I got a lot of presents from my friend, so it was really enjoy to play with all of the new like technology machines.
Q. And you get to get some retail therapy in with some shopping picking out some nice pieces for the house.
IN GEE CHUN: Yeah, I did.
Q. Do you have a favorite chair or piece of furniture?
IN GEE CHUN: I bought really good sofa. I really enjoy the gardening.
Q. Oh, you like to garden.
IN GEE CHUN: Fake flower are weird.
Q. That still counts. And then just having a base in America, does that make travel less stressful and just take some of the stresses of life that maybe you had a couple years ago? Does it take that stress off you?
IN GEE CHUN: Now I have a home here and after fill a little bit fill my house it feel like more home for me, so I have off week then really exciting to be back to like my house. I really enjoy my time at the house.
Q. Do you getting to back to Korea at all or not too much?
IN GEE CHUN: Still have two weeks quarantine so it's really tough to go back to Korea, so this year maybe just stay in the U.S. now that I have a home here.
Q. Last one I have for you with moving to America. Just having Sei Young there, having a familiar face, that has to be nice, someone you can tee it up with and practice with.
IN GEE CHUN: Absolutely, yeah. I mean, when I go to practice with the friends, always happier.
THE MODERATOR: That's all I have for you. Thanks for joining us today and good luck this week.
IN GEE CHUN: Thank you.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
