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March 12, 2021

Will Zalatoris

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, USA

TPC Sawgrass

Quick Quotes

Q. Will, how would you assess your round today?

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah, a little up-and-down here and there. Didn't make a par from 14 until 4, so kind of a little bit of everything. But yeah, I was just kind of -- had a lot of good in there, just kind of made a couple silly mistakes in the middle of the fairway, which you can't afford to do out here, but pleased with how everything went.

Q. You had to come out and finish a couple holes this morning. How does that kind of affect your day?

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah, coming back and playing 18 at 7:30 is not really how you want to start your day, but no, I mean, if anything I actually kind of like it because it's -- I don't want to say it's a practice run, but you kind the get the juices flowing a little earlier and then head back out and head right back on.

Q. Played well at Dye's Valley on the Korn Ferry TOUR after the pandemic. How would you describe how your career has progressed since then in the last nine months?

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah, like I said before, it's just kind of crazy to think that nine months ago I was playing over there at the Dye's Valley Course and playing on the Korn Ferry TOUR and if you would have told me I would be playing here I would have told you you were a little crazy. If anything it kind of puts a little bit of gratitude in it where it's kind of like -- it's kind of cool to be here. Obviously weren't expecting to be here. But deep down I knew I was able to do it, and just kind of keep doing what I'm doing. Whether it's Korn Ferry, PGA or whatever, there's 18 holes out there and everybody else has to do it.

Q. What do you feel like you've improved upon the most in these nine months that's gotten you from playing on the Korn Ferry TOUR to here?

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah, I think just being a little bit more disciplined when I'm playing. At Korn Ferry events you've got to go out and shoot 20-under to win. Out here you basically got to, whenever you get an opportunity, try to take advantage of it. I mean, obviously I think Harry Higgs actually said it best a long time ago, how do you go shoot 65? You take out the par-5s, maybe make a 30-footer and maybe knock a wedge or two close and, boom, there's your seven birdies. I think just kind of having that discipline of letting the golf course come to you has been huge, but the other part is, this is week 7 for me, and knowing how to manage my energy and when you play that much golf, don't get too frustrated if you keep seeing the same misses, just kind of stay patient, and I think that's why I've been so consistent.

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