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February 19, 2021

Barbora Krejcikova

Katarina Siniakova

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference


6-2, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Congratulations on making it to the final. What will be your takeaways from your experience here in Australia?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: First of all, thank you so much. I mean, it's really close to the match right now so it's really hard to just, like, summarize stuff, all the things that have been happening last three to five weeks...

Just overall I would just say I just feel really happy. I mean, even it didn't go our way today, I just feel really grateful and I feel really fortunate to be able to be here and play some tennis, have a crowd. Really just enjoyed myself.

I think I was able to do that, so I just see this whole situation and this whole experience very positive. That's my kind of summary, yeah.

Q. How proud are you of making the final after having been in the hard quarantine group?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: You asking me or her?

Q. Whoever wants to answer.

KATERINA SINIAKOVA: Of course we are really proud because there was some rough times during the stay here in Australia. But we are so happy that we could come here even after the hard quarantine and make, like, title and final. It's really amazing that we could play so great tennis and go so far. So it's really nice to be here.

Q. Aryna said it's probably the last slam they're going to play in doubles for a while. She wants to focus on singles. How do you find the balance?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: As I said already, I just feel really fortunate that I've been playing this well and we've been playing this well. I was just able to get to the finals in so many categories.

For me, it's nice. I am not really that good in singles yet, as Aryna or even Elise. They can only focus on Grand Slams because they know they just going to do well. For me, it's really tough so I appreciate to play doubles and mixed.

For me everything is kind of new. Pretty much last year I entered the top hundred. I mean, I don't really know. I feel like so far I've been balancing it well. Everything is so new. All of this is new experience.

So far I feel I'm actually holding up really well, my body. Physically I feel good. I'm just really happy all that hard work done during the off-season is paying off.

I'm just looking forward for another matches. I just want to stay healthy. Let's see what's 2021 going to bring to us, yeah.

Q. Jennifer Brady was one of the players in hard quarantine also. Are you surprised someone who was in that situation was able to do so well in the singles?

KATERINA SINIAKOVA: I mean, it's amazing she played so great. It was really tough for us. I mean, we work hard. We know how to play tennis. It's really nice that, like, her body and her mentality and everything is ready for it, like she played so great. It's really nice.

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