January 22, 2021
Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA
Tranquilo Golf Course
Quick Quotes
Q. In Gee, what a great second round here. Still the second round and you're still in contention. How do you feel with two rounds to go?
IN GEE CHUN: Actually my shot was not that great today, but so I try to be more patient on the course.
It works really well, so I'm really happy to make a bogey-free round today.
Q. Six birdies. When did the momentum start kicking in for you?
IN GEE CHUN: I couldn't play the ^ (indiscernible) very well, as well, so...
But my I trust my game on the course and I just keep going and then it worked. Yeah.
Q. Did you say when you didn't shoot that well, did you have a lot of the up and downs then, chipping putting really saved you?
IN GEE CHUN: I think I just I couldn't made the birdie chance on the front nine and I miss couple putts, so, yeah.
Q. What would you say is your goal in the next two days?
IN GEE CHUN: Next two day? I keep trying to make bogey-free round next two day, and we'll see where I am later. Yeah.
Q. Is it easier to try not to make bogey or to try to make birdie?
IN GEE CHUN: Honestly, I always try to make bogey-free round. If I trying to no bogey, then I hope the birdie chance will come to me. Yeah.
Q. Does that require you to play to the center of the greens?
IN GEE CHUN: Some shot or some pin location, but even I have my (indiscernible) shot number, the distance, I have a chance then I go to the pin.
But if not or I have a tough lie, then just go center the green. Even I -- still we have a birdie chance if we make on. Yeah.
Q. Is that the way you always play?
IN GEE CHUN: Almost. (Smiling.)
Q. Do you think that's why you have played well in major championships where par is a good number?
IN GEE CHUN: I think so. When we play the major course we need good game plan, so some course or during the major events I think it work really well. That's why I had a good result.
Q. A lot of South Korean players went home after CME and haven't come back yet. Why did you want to play in this event?
IN GEE CHUN: Okay, first thing, I bought a house three weeks ago, so I will stay in the U.S.
But honestly, my result was not that great at CME, the last event, but last round on Sunday I had a great round, so I wanted to keep practice from here.
Because if I'm going back it Korea I have to two weeks quarantine, so I just want to really work hard from here and keep playing the events and tournaments. I want to keep (indiscernible) from tournament.
Q. Yeah. How long have you been looking to buy a house and where did you buy?
IN GEE CHUN: I bought house in Dallas and it was quite quick, because when we play VOA Sei Young send me a link for a house and I met agent during that week, and finally I got it. Yeah.
Honestly, I thought I don't need a house here because I have a good host family in the U.S., so like grand mom, and I always staying at their house.
But I changed the mind during last year, because if I have a house here it feel more like home then maybe less miss all my Korean friends. Maybe I have more opportunity to make friends in the U.S. That's why I change my mind.
Q. Is your host grandma in Lancaster?
IN GEE CHUN: Yeah, Lancaster. And I have another host family in Palm Springs. I practice at Mission Hills the last couple weeks.
Q. Okay.
Q. On a day when you don't hit it your best but still get very good score out of it, how satisfying is that?
IN GEE CHUN: Satisfying?
Q. You didn't quite hit it your best you said, but you still scored very well because you were patient.
IN GEE CHUN: Uh-huh.
Q. Just as a player still shooting that number, how does that make you feel?
IN GEE CHUN: Always when I play a bogey-free round it was great. Even I believe golf is not only shot game, it's (indiscernible) game, so I know that very well. Even when I won the major my shot was not great all of the four rounds.
So I knew that, so I just keep looking the future and stay in the present. I go where I go.
It's great. Always first round is great.
Q. This course fits so well with your game. What is it about this course that you like so much?
IN GEE CHUN: Honestly, I don't like this type of green, like bermuda. I don't have great experience. So I try to work hard this time. I spent more time on the practice putting green. I try read the green very and it works really well on the course, so now I can say I really enjoy to play with the bermuda. Yeah.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
