November 30, 2020
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
Davidson Wildcats
Postgame Press Conference
Texas - 78, Davidson - 76
THE MODERATOR: Why don't you start with some opening thoughts on today's game.
BOB MCKILLOP: I thought it was a terrific college basketball game, especially this early in the season. Not a lot of turnovers. I really believe that we fought Texas as well as we could, and it came down to getting a stop at the end and getting a make at the end and we did neither. I reflected back to the team in the locker room that there were multiple times during the game that one mistake could have been the reason we had lost, not the end of the game when we didn't get the stop or didn't get the score.
Q. What did you call in the final sequence there?
BOB MCKILLOP: What were we looking for? We were going for the win. We thought we had -- we thought we got a terrific look for Sam Mennenga at the end, in the first of the sequences. And in the second sequence we were trying to go to Lee, and second option was to go to Luka and the third option was to go to a handoff for Kellan or, if the hand off wasn't there, for Sam to get the shot.
Q. To follow up, did you think -- you seemed like you protested to the officials. Did you think there was contact on the last shot?
BOB MCKILLOP: You obviously have never seen me protest because that was very kind, my comment to him after the game. It was far from a protest. I just asked him very gentlemanly, Do you think he got hit on that last play?
Q. I was wondering just from, in drawing that play up for Sam, is there something that from practices and everything that lends him to be the guy or was it just this game, that play was the situation that merited it?
BOB MCKILLOP: Well, I'm suspecting you're saying that last play with the 18 seconds on the clock that he missed, the jumper from the right wing.
Q. Yes.
BOB MCKILLOP: And we drew that one up because they had been switching at the guards 1 through 3 and even 1 through 4, but they were not switching 4 over 5. And we did get that 4-5 not switch and that gave him the space to get the shot. It's something we've worked on in practice, but it's more opportunistic than anything else, depending upon how their 4's and 5's will play a screening action.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
