August 21, 2020
Norton, Massachusetts, USA
TPC Boston
Quick Quotes
Q. How were things different from yesterday?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I was a couple under through four and just a silly three-putt. A couple up-and-downs I missed. It was kind of a battle today. I got beat by 12. It was fun to watch Scotty and how well he did, but man, on top of that you feel like about a 9 handicap watching somebody shoot a 59 but I'm happy for him.
Q. When you see that and there's no fans around, how different is that?
KEVIN STREELMAN: The other thing, we don't have the sign bearers so I brought it up to Tony on 17 green, and he had no idea. He thought it as seven or eight, and I'm like, no, he's like 11 right now.
That's the difference is, yeah, there would definitely have been electricity, fans running in, sign bearers would have been blowing up right there. In that regard, it's a little different. He still had the pressure to step up there on 18 and make that nice is up-and-down and he played awesome. He played perfect golf today.
Q. When you have that experience of making so many birdies in a row to win a tournament, what's it like watching somebody else do it and you can understand what they are going through?
KEVIN STREELMAN: He's such a great guy, so I'm really happy for him. Like I said, it's frustrating, you almost push a little more to try to keep up but it just isn't happening. That's the game we play. I couldn't miss yesterday; he struggled. Today he couldn't miss; I struggled. We get to play tomorrow and try again.
Q. Are you staying away from him like a no-hitter?
KEVIN STREELMAN: It is funny, you definitely don't bring up the score. We had plans are going to dinner tonight, our caddies and us, where we are going, Skipjack's, Patriots place and see our buddy, Pete. Just trying to be as normal and kind of lackadaisical as possible, and something special happened.
Q. So he's buying tonight, right?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I'm going to probably get stuck with it, being the old guy. No, it would be an honor to pay for that meal.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
