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June 26, 2020
Cromwell, Connecticut
Q. How would you assess your round out there today?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I hit it beautifully today. I was really happy from the first hole onward, did what I needed to or I was supposed to on all the holes, didn't really short-side myself. Actually missed a lot of putts. I played -- hit them where I wanted to and had some off speed on a few of them, but overall I'm very happy and in good position going into the weekend. Anything can happen around here.
Q. Do you just get good feelings as you come back here? This is a place you've had obviously some very good success.
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah, it's always special for me to get back here, to see that plaque on 12, and just brings back great memories of a very special afternoon for me, and like I said, just shows anything can happen finishing up around here, and just got to give yourself a chance.
Q. Obviously just reported another positive test, Denny McCarthy. Just as a member of the board, just your reaction as these tests continue to come in? I know you guys said it was never going to be perfect, but just a continuation of more positive tests.
KEVIN STREELMAN: Well, the TOUR is just doing a terrific job with all the testing, with trying to distance. We're trying to mask, we're just doing our best every day to make sure we can keep everything on the road, and so far I'd say it's been a tremendous success. Some of these positives were inevitable. We're just going to have to, I think, take it week by week and try and do the right things, do the smart things, and I think everyone realizes it's important and the protocols are critical, and everyone needs to take them very seriously.
Q. Do you guys think you need to be tested more than you are?
KEVIN STREELMAN: You know, I think we're as far as -- we ordered about as many as we're allowed to have, I believe, at the TOUR. They've asked for as many as they can get. I know they've -- you also don't want to take away resources from the communities we're going to. I know they're doing their best from that side of things. But we're all open to as much testing as needs to be done, and like I'm going home to my family next week, so golf is important to me, but my family is much more important to me and getting home and being safe with them, so I'm very fortunate I get to test again tomorrow with the TOUR and throw a mask on and pray for a safe flight home.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
