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March 6, 2020
Orlando, Florida
Q. You said yesterday no matter what happened today you would be all right. How do you bounce back from this?
MATT EVERY: Just go out tomorrow and -- I don't really know. Today was rough. It was just tough. I really didn't feel like I played that bad. I just didn't make anything and then missed the fairway here and it's -- I just played bad. That's what it is.
Q. Do you feel like you approached today differently having the lead than you normally would have?
MATT EVERY: No, not at all. I mean, it's Thursday. It would be one thing if it was like Saturday night, but probably not. Yeah, just it was just a bad day.
Q. What was the biggest difference from yesterday? I mean, you were on fire yesterday and today it was a battle.
MATT EVERY: I don't know. I don't know. If I did, I wouldn't do it.
Q. Big basketball game tomorrow night against Kentucky?
MATT EVERY: Yeah, against Kentucky. We'll see. I don't know, man, it's just --
Q. Are you playing Valspar?
MATT EVERY: -- just weird stuff. I'm not sure yet.
Q. Or, I guess next would be Punta Cana?
MATT EVERY: It goes TPC, Valspar, Dominican. I don't know what I'm going to do. I might take some time off after TPC. My back's been bothering me for quite awhile.
Q. Do you kind of feel worn out a little bit?
MATT EVERY: No, I don't feel worn out. It's just it sucks, man. You wake up every day and it's there.
Q. Did you have back problems, like earlier on?
MATT EVERY: In my career?
Q. Yeah.
Q. Just getting older?
MATT EVERY: Just getting older. That's right.
Q. Is there something about second rounds, because I know last week it was kind of the same deal, just this -- Friday is tough?
MATT EVERY: Yeah, yeah, there's -- I don't know. No. There's nothing about second rounds. It's just last week I sucked the whole week. Today was just kind of a gradual sucking all day. But it just, it sucked. It stinks for me because I really wanted to play well and I really didn't see this coming, to be honest. But it happens. It just happens to me -- it kind of happens to me quite a lot.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
