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December 12, 2019
Melbourne, Australia
Q. The fourth point on the board for the International Team, how would you describe what this was like today?
C.T. PAN: It's incredible, especially the last match to finish on 18, as well. The crowd are absolutely amazing and the people, the feeling, it's making me like speechless. Yeah, I played great. We're very happy to earn this point?
Q. How were you two able to gel so well together?
HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: I didn't play my best today, but CT played well, and we really just followed the directions of Ernie and followed through and it went well today.
Q. You guys came into this week with a plan. How does today's performance validate what your captain has set up for you?
C.T. PAN: It's great. He had a system going in. We are his soldiers, so we follow his instruction, and that's what we did today, and it works great. He's done so many preparations the last few months. It's working.
Q. You were shown a video last night. How surprised were you and what was the reaction?
C.T. PAN: The video, even last night, I watched a couple times, because I love it. It's been 21 long years, and I know it's day one, but we still have a lot of work to do. That video definitely pumped and excited everyone on the International Team.
Q. You guys were playing a strong American pair. What was the mind-set going into hole No. 1?
C.T. PAN: We know it's going to be a grind, but we know we can do it, which we did the first couple holes. We know if we play well the first four or five holes, hit a birdie, we can keep the match.
Hideki, he's such a clutch putter. It wasn't for sure he won the hole but he made that 35-footer tough putt, so that was such a crucial putt.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
