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October 6, 2019

Kevin Na

Las Vegas, Nevada

Q. What were those final moments like?
KEVIN NA: Came down way too close. I had a comfortable lead. Felt really comfortable. I hit a really bad tee shot and got unlucky and made a triple. All of a sudden I felt like I was the underdog.

I'm a fighter. The putt on 17, I was doing everything I could to make that putt, and for that to come in and just...

I knew I had a chance, and the first playoff hole I stuff it in there. I'm looking at nothing but the pin. He made a great putt, and there was no doubt that we're going to go extra holes and I walked that thing right in.

He made a little mistake. It's a little shadow. Patrick is a great player, a world-class player. To be able to beat him down the stretch, it felt great.

Q. Wild back nine. How did you recover from the 10th hole?
KEVIN NA: You know, experience. I been in this situation before where I lost the lead and I failed many times. I've lost three playoffs. This is my first playoff win. I kept telling myself, This is the playoff I'm going to win.

It felt great to win.

I'm going to say something in Korean, too. (In Korean.)

Q. Sophia is right here.
KEVIN NA: My little girl.

Q. Leo is our only six weeks old.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, he's too young to come out.

Q. This is a place you call home.

Q. How special it to win here once again?
KEVIN NA: It feels amazing. This is a great golf course for me. People here have been very supportive. Vegas Strong. You know, TPC, I used to come out here and practice before I moved to Southern Highlands. The people are just nothing but great to me.

I feel very blessed. I want to thank God for making this happen and I'll finish there.

Q. What a last two hours on that inward nine. Started with a triple and ended with a championship.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I felt like I had total control and I felt really comfortable. I don't know where that tee shot came from. I never hit hooks like that with a 3-wood. Never. If anything, I lose it to the right and I double crossed.

If anything, I was trying to hit a straight mini cut and then I double cross, and that pin was just brutally hard there.

I felt like I didn't hit that bad of a chip and rolled over. Things happened quickly, and all of a sudden I made a triple. Like I said, I felt like the underdog after that. The wheels are falling off.

To be able to stay in and make some birdies, clutch putts. -16 I felt like I hit a great shot because I knew that he could make eagle potentially, guaranteed birdie.

So I was trying to hit a nice cut in there. I hit a cut 5-iron. It was right at the flag. There was no doubt in my mind I thought it cleared the water, and I hear the crowd, Wooo.

And to go and see it go in the water. But I looked at Kenny and I said, We're still in this thing. Let's group it, get to together, and finish strong. I did that.

Q. I don't see how you could regroup after that double.
KEVIN NA: Triple.

Q. No, with two holes where you just took a body blow. Firs the triple, then the water ball, and then you make a 20-footer for par at 17. We're going to talk about your birdie here in the playoff and the clutch two-putt, but that par putt at 17 was special.
KEVIN NA: Yes, it was. Like I said, I'm a fighter. I never gave up. I knew that I could make that putt and stay in it. I was zoned in and looking at nothing but making it.

Q. You are one tough cookie, my friend. I have seen you lose in playoffs and I've watch you play final rounds where suddenly a wind storm came up and you've struggled. For you to persevere here today shows a lot. I'm really proud of you.
KEVIN NA: I'm catching up on my wins. Three seasons in a row, win No. 4 here, so let's keep going.

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