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October 4, 2019

Kevin Na

Las Vegas, Nevada

Q. Heck of a round with the putter looks like, two eagles on the board. Tell us what was going so well.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, my putter was hot. I started with a 60-footer on the first hole, and I just kept making putts today. I hit a lot of good shots, too, but the putter was working.

Q. Your daughter has seen you win, your latest has not. Is there any incentive --
KEVIN NA: No, I wasn't thinking about it, but now it makes me want to go a little harder.

Q. Will the children be out here?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, definitely. My wife was out here today watching the back nine. She only watched the back, and two eagles. Yeah, hopefully Sunday I get a chance, and maybe I get a chance to get another W in front of both my kids this time. I know Sophia saw it and she remembers, and it was a great moment for the family. Hopefully we can have another one.

Q. You talked on Wednesday about the number of tickets you had to dole out for friends. How many people do you have in town this week?
KEVIN NA: I'm going to turn my phone off. (Laughter.) No, it hasn't been bad. The tournament has been very helpful.

Q. I'd shake your hand but I'm afraid I'd get burned; you were on fire, 202 feet in putts.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, my putter got really hot. It started with the first hole, made a 60-footer bomb, and you know, my putter just felt good all day. Kenny and I were reading the greens really well. We were both seeing the same thing, and I was rolling it right where we were looking, and they were falling.

Q. Occasionally we know before we take the putter back that we think we're going to make it, whether it's alignment, sight, whatever. Is that the way you felt?
KEVIN NA: Actually, no. Actually after I hit it and as it got close to the hole, it looked like it was going on. But no, I felt good, but it wasn't like I was -- one of those days you stand over it and you feel everything. My stroke just felt good and I felt confident over the putt. I was more into focusing on putting a good stroke on than trying to make it if you know what I mean.

Q. You've won this event before, so obviously the golf course suits your eye. What's your thoughts going into the weekend?
KEVIN NA: You know, the scores are going to be low. The greens are getting firmer, and that's the only protection they've got. The winds are supposed to be light again. I know the course can play difficult if it's windy, but it's not going to be windy, so I think I've just got to keep making birdies.

Q. As a former champion here, you just don't embrace the tournament, you embrace everything Shriners stands for. You had a nice moment this week with Alec. Tell me about Alec and your relationship.
KEVIN NA: Alec was a very bright young man. He was very positive, great energy. I really enjoyed my time with him. I know he wants to be a commentator some day, sports commentator, that is, and I hope he does become one. We had a nice interaction. He interviewed me, and I got a lot of positive energy from him.

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