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September 22, 2019

John McEnroe

Geneva, Switzerland

Q. How proud are you of these two? You've lost so many close ones.
CAPTAIN JOHN McENROE: Well, it's nice to win some close ones, but they stepped up. That's one of the 10-point tiebreakers I've ever seen a doubles team play. And they needed to, because Rafa and Stefanos wanted it bad. It gives us momentum going into tomorrow.

Q. You have played some great doubles matches yourself. You've seen all the greats. How good are these two when they get together?
CAPTAIN JOHN McENROE: You know, it's different than when I was playing, but it's awesome to watch and it's fun to be on the sideline.

Those guys have a great chemistry between the two of them. They're tough to beat. They should play more often.

Q. You have got to win three matches tomorrow to get Team World over the line. Any thoughts on some of the selections? Are we going to maybe see Jack again in doubles?
CAPTAIN JOHN McENROE: Well, I would say there is a fairly good chance of that. We are going to wait and see what they've got to offer first. We're going to try to match up as well as we can, but we're looking forward to tomorrow.

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