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September 21, 2019

Rafael Nadal

Geneva, Switzerland

Q. Before we get into obviously the match, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts from all the people here in Geneva and around the world. There was a lot of reasons for you not to come to Laver Cup. The fact that you have, thank you very much. It was fantastic of you.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, no, thanks. Well, thank you. Thank you for your words, but honestly, be here for me is a very positive energy, no? It's amazing to be around a great team, and the crowd is just unreal every single day.

So many, many thanks for the support.

Q. Milos gave you a good run for your money in that opening set. You managed to kind of steal it away from him.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I feel very lucky in the first set, honestly, no? Have been, I think, unlucky first set for him. I think he deserved that first set, for sure.

Later in the match I think I started to play better, a little bit high percentage on the serves and started moving myself a little bit better, no? In the end I think I played a very good tiebreak with some good shots.

So very happy to help Team Europe to be I think 7-3 now. It's great news for us and I hope for you too. The crowd, we are in Europe, so you support us. So many, many thanks.

Q. I have just got to ask you one last question, because I know you have to go off and get ready for your doubles. We are going to get more of you tonight. A bit of competition to see who's the better coach on Team Europe at the moment: Yourself or Roger. You have both been helping each other out. At the moment I think everybody feels you're going to make a better coach.
RAFAEL NADAL: Oh, yeah, much better, yeah. (Laughter.)

No, I think it's a great team that everybody tries to help each other. It's a great team spirit. That's why we were able to achieve two Laver Cups, the two previous editions.

Yeah, remain a lot of work to do, so we need to be together. We need to help each other. We have great coaches, Björn and Thomas, and the rest of the team is supporting very much.

So many thanks. Thank you.

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