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August 15, 2019

Tony Finau

Carmel, Indiana

Q. It was a good day, got yourself up there.
TONY FINAU: Yeah, felt good all day. I hit it pretty nice. Didn't score my best, but kind of -- sometimes that's what it takes. Made a 35-footer on the par-3, 13, and then I was just kind of on my way there. I knew I had a par-5 in front of me and a drivable par-4, so I was able to score on the holes I needed to coming down the stretch. But sometimes you just need to see the ball go in no matter where, if you chip it in or from 20 feet or 30 feet. Fortunately for me on 13 I was able to see like a 35-footer go in, and it kind of gets your mindset in a different direction.

Q. How do you like the golf course? It's your first time here, I think?
TONY FINAU: Yeah, I love it. I think it's a great golf course. I think if you hit it with some length, it's a golf course you can take advantage of. The conditions are soft, so at least right now, so it's a golf course I think you can score on if you're driving it well. But that's the key. You've got to hit it in the fairway. And if you do that, then you can score on this course.

Q. You're almost set for Atlanta next week. Knowing what's at stake there, do you not think about Atlanta for the time being? What's the mindset?
TONY FINAU: Yeah, I try and treat every tournament the same just so nothing changes throughout the season. You can play with a little bit of sense of urgency sometimes when you're in these kind of high stakes, but major championships, any other event I try and treat the same, so when I'm in a position like I am now, nothing changes. I'm still trying to just win, and we'll see what happens at the end of the week.

Q. Presidents Cup, kind of like need a good week to squeeze into the top 8. Is that a priority, objective of yours this week to try and do that?
TONY FINAU: It was a goal of mine starting the season. I wanted to play my way into the top 8 to make the team through points. It's still a goal. The cool thing is I have a chance this week to do that, and I'm off to a good start.

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