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August 2, 2019
Washington D.C.
6-1, 6-2
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. How does it feel to be in the final? What's this week been like for both of you?
CATHERINE MCNALLY: Yeah, we're super excited to be in the final. This is only our second event together. I think it just shows that we play really well together and that our games mesh together really well.
For me, it's just a huge week because I got my first main draw win in singles and doubles. Now I'm in the semis of singles and finals of doubles.
CORI GAUFF: Yeah, it's been a good week for both of us. I'm especially proud of you. Good luck tomorrow.
I think we played well on the court. I hope that we can win tomorrow and she can win as well.
Q. Caty, what was your schedule like today? You had a pretty packed day with two matches. How much time did you get to warm up? How tired are you?
CATHERINE MCNALLY: Yeah, last night I actually got back earlier than the other nights because I didn't get back until, like, 10:30. I still have been going to bed pretty late, like 1 a.m. I've been sleeping to, I don't know, maybe like 10.
We practiced at 3:30 today. So, yeah, we came here at like 3. I played. After my singles, You have 45 minutes. I changed, had a protein shake, then went back on for doubles.
Q. Obviously going into tournaments everybody wants to win, do well. Did you two get a chance to talk beforehand, maybe what your expectations were coming in? Were they to go this far? What did you think going into this tournament?
CORI GAUFF: For me personally, I don't really put expectations on us or myself in general because I just feel like whatever happens. Obviously me and her know we have the game to win.
We didn't go into the tournament seeing how far we can go. We went into the tournament with getting to the finals on our mind. Hopefully we go out there and do well.
I don't think there were any expectations for us.
Q. Describe the combination that you two bring to the court in the doubles, what skills you bring, how they mesh together.
CATHERINE MCNALLY: Obviously Coco has a big game, a huge serve, big groundstrokes from the baseline. I think that helps me at the net so I'm able to poach. That's where I like to be.
Yeah, we get along really well, not even just our games but off the court. I think that helps, too, because we bring a lot of energy. If one person is down, we pump the other person up. I think that helps a lot.
CORI GAUFF: I really enjoy playing with Caty. I feel like she really knows how to play doubles. Like, I've learned a lot from her on the court.
I remember the first tournament we played was US Open juniors. I learned so much in doubles in that one week than I had in my whole life. So thanks, Caty.
Q. After your great track record together as a team, are you talking about US Open? Something you've discussed?
CATHERINE MCNALLY: Yeah, we're going to play at US Open together.
Q. Do you remember the first time you two met?
CATHERINE MCNALLY: I think I do. It was in Orlando. We played a tiebreaker against each other on the hard courts. This was maybe like three or four years ago. That's the first time I remember meeting fully.
CORI GAUFF: Honestly, I have such a bad memory. I think she was probably right.
Q. Who won the tiebreak?
CATHERINE MCNALLY: I won the tiebreaker.
CORI GAUFF: She probably did.
Q. Caty, Jess Pegula was in here saying she played doubles with you, had a win. She takes credit for your success. Do you think you're all just feeding off each other?
CATHERINE MCNALLY: Definitely. We won the 80K in Macon together. After that I ended up winning a 25, winning a 100, getting to the quarters of an 80. Yeah, but I don't know. She said that to me personally. Maybe that is. I don't know. Could be true.
Q. This week you both have played singles and doubles. Because of that, do you feel it makes you better players?
CORI GAUFF: Yeah, I think for me personally both of us, you just try to play doubles in all the tournaments we can get into. I feel like doubles helps our singles games and singles helps our doubles games. I like playing with Caty.
Sometimes when you're on the singles court, having that doubles match helps you work on some things you probably wouldn't try out in singles. I really enjoy playing doubles in tournaments.
Q. Do you have any fun plans to prepare for finals?
CATHERINE MCNALLY: I'm going to go back to the hotel and I'm going to sleep for my singles. We'll just get ready for doubles. We always have a good time. We always enjoy it, yeah.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
