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July 31, 2019
Washington D.C.
6-0, 6-3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. You have played together a fair amount before. What is it like doing it together at this level, and as well?
CORI GAUFF: To be honest, we only played one tournament together before this, which was the US Open juniors.
Q. That was still good.
CORI GAUFF: Yeah, we have a pretty good track record. I love playing with Caty. She's so much fun on and off the court, and I think our games match pretty well.
Q. You've gotten a version of this question a lot over the past few days. What has been the biggest memory of this past month that stands out for you?
CORI GAUFF: I can't really choose one moment because all of them are equally special to me. But definitely coming home to my city and having a nice little homecoming was really nice.
Q. We're getting to know both of you still, fairly new faces on tour. You two know each other very well. Could you each tell us something we don't know about the other one. Caty, what should we know about Coco? Coco, what should we know about Caty?
CATHERINE MCNALLY: I think you all should just know that Coco is a really funny girl. Her Instagram is pretty fire. She has some pretty good photo shoots. I think she does a good job with that.
CORI GAUFF: Caty, she makes nice cheesy jokes. She's really competitive, too, especially when her coach is on the court.
Q. What is an example of a cheesy Caty Mcnally joke?
CORI GAUFF: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what I just said (laughter). It's past my bedtime. I got to go to sleep.
Q. You guys are going to have a day off tomorrow since you're ahead of the other part of the draw. What do you think you're going to do during that time?
CATHERINE MCNALLY: I have a singles match tomorrow.
CORI GAUFF: She has singles, so...
Me, I'm just going to watch her singles. I don't know, chill at the hotel. But, yeah.
Q. Coco, I wanted to ask you, looking ahead at the schedule, there's talk maybe you were going to enter and play the Vancouver ITF event. Could you talk about whether you're thinking about playing that or not going to play it. I know you said yesterday about taking some time off.
CORI GAUFF: Well, I honestly didn't know I was playing Vancouver, so I don't have any information on that. You guys might have gotten that from my dad probably.
But as far as I know, I think I'm just going home and training.
Q. Is that better for you, like getting ready for the US Open? Would you prefer to do that than play another tournament across North America?
CORI GAUFF: For me, it's fine. My dad does a good job of helping me prep for the Grand Slams and everything. I make decisions on my own, but I really trust his answer, so yeah.
Q. Speaking of your dad, I saw you playing ping-pong earlier. Who won?
CORI GAUFF: I did, easily.
Q. Hailey is on court now. It's been a good tournament for American teens overall. Caty, I'm curious, obviously we've heard about each of you separately, but things are coming together at this tournament pretty nicely. Do you feel like it's a special sort of moment for you three?
CATHERINE MCNALLY: Yeah, definitely. Me and Hailey got our first WTA wins last night, which was huge. Yeah, she's doing really well right now, playing on center court.
I think everyone is just working super hard, all the Americans. When one person does well, it kind of just pushes the other person to do well also. So I'm super happy that everyone's doing really well.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
