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May 9, 2019
Irving, Texas
Q. Tom, great round of golf, clean card out there. How difficult were conditions to keep the card clean because I know some guys with some low scores had a couple bogies in spots?
TOM HOGE: Yeah, you know, it was perfect the first 11, 12 holes we played. It was soft with no wind. You had to get after it because there were a lot of birdies to be made.
Q. Looks like you took advantage of the soft conditions. Without the wind there, does it make this golf course, I won't say easier, but more playable?
TOM HOGE: Yeah, for sure. It's meant to play firm. With the rain yesterday it was soft enough where could you hit it in there, play for too big of a bounce. The fairways are pretty generous, I think. You get it in the fairway and with no wind and soft you can fire right at it pretty good.
Q. What does do for you and your confidence because I know it's been a struggle for you this season.
TOM HOGE: It's been a little bit off, different part of the game each week. I've been looking forward to Colonial. I live in Fort Worth, a little bit outside there. I'm trying to play well and get my way in. It's been a little bit of motivation for me last few weeks to work hard and try to get in there.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
