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April 11, 2019

Devon Bling

Augusta, Georgia

Q. How would you assess your round? I know it kind of ended on a bad note. But you were playing pretty well today, weren't you?
DEVON BLING: Yeah, I fought hard all day. I hit it well. My speed on the greens wasn't great. But I hit a lot of good putts, just not used to four footers breaking a cup and a half. Not much I could do, but I fought hard all day.

Q. On 9 how close were you to that birdie?
DEVON BLING: I had about four feet downhill.

Q. What club did you hit in there?
DEVON BLING: I had a 9‑iron from 150.

Q. How was your confidence coming into the round there?
DEVON BLING: It was good. Like I said, I hit it well all day. And I was fighting as hard as I could. Just a little slip off the tee on 18, hit it left and I was a little unlucky on the second shot that I caught that tree over there. And just tried to make 5 out of it.

Q. What did that first tee feel like?
DEVON BLING: I was definitely nervous. That is to be expected. But it was really exciting for me. It was my first Masters and my first time to be able to hit a tee shot in front of that many people. Yeah, I was nervous but I enjoyed it.

Q. How did you sleep last night after having such an exciting Par‑3 Contest?
DEVON BLING: Actually, I didn't sleep that bad, it was pretty normal. I don't know what it was. Maybe I was so tired from yesterday. Yeah, I felt pretty normal.

Q. How did you phone blow up after that Par‑3 experience?
DEVON BLING: It was blowing up pretty good. At one point I couldn't even unlock it, because texts kept coming in and I couldn't even unlock my phone. It was pretty cool to see everybody was watching back home and back at school. And actually my team is on the road right now.

Q. After the round today what are your goals going into tomorrow's round?
DEVON BLING: I'll just try to assess a few mistakes that I made out there today. And basically just come back out and do the same that I did today and it should be okay.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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