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March 14, 2019
Kansas City, Missouri
West Virginia 79, Texas Tech 74
THE MODERATOR: We are ready to begin with the Red Raiders from Texas Tech, Coach Chris Beard, student-athlete with us is Derek Culver. Coach we will go to you first for an opening statement.
CHRIS BEARD: I will just answer any questions you guys have.
THE MODERATOR: We will go to questions for Jarrett and we'll come back for Coach.
Q. Jarrett, could you speak to the team's slow start. You guys were playing from behind the whole game. What was the impact of that?
JARRETT CULVER: We just didn't come out ready to play. I feel like our leadership wasn't there today, me and some other guys got to get ready to play a big game. We came out slow today, so we just gotta fix it.
Q. Jarrett, what can you learn from this adverse situation? I know Coach says you all can learn from that, that three-game losing streak or the one-possession type deal that happened with y'all. What can you learn from it and what do you take away from it?
JARRETT CULVER: It's definitely a learning experience. We've got to come out better and play 40 minutes. We've got to put 40 minutes together, everybody gotta come out hard and play forty minutes.
Q. Is this a dose of reality for y'all?
JARRETT CULVER: It's definitely a learning experience. I feel like we can learn from it. Losing hurts, but you learn from wins and losses.
Q. Jarrett, last four minutes you're making your charge. They played last night. Did you feel that your fresh legs might have had an edge before the game was ultimately decided?
JARRETT CULVER: I mean, in a way we did. But they came out ready to play, credit to them. They played hard forty minutes. Credit to them.
THE MODERATOR: Okay, Jarrett. Thank you. Questions for Coach?
Q. Two things, just the start and West Virginia's rebounding veracity and how that affected you guys early.
CHRIS BEARD: Yeah, the story today is all about West Virginia. Give them credit. To say that we, I disagree with Culver. He said we came out ready to play. That's disrespecting West Virginia. They played great, won three of on their last five, got a chemistry. Obviously some additions and subtractions from their program and they have some guys that play with joy, and we were concerned about this game. In no way did we take them lightly, they have a Hall of Fame coach and really good players. West Virginia played great. Our game plan was to try to rebound with West Virginia. In no way did we think we could outrebound them, but we wanted to be competitive on the boards. We worked on it for three state days. We wanted to take care of the basketball, have a low turnover game. We did neither. So give West Virginia credit they beat us.
Q. What made 'em so hard to stop today offensively?
CHRIS BEARD: The big thing is offensive rebounds. He created a lot of offense for himself by getting second chance points. He's a talented guy. West Virginia is playing loose right now. They are playing with a lot of confidence. He's a joy to their team. I watched 'em play last night in person, and I told our guys I think this is one of the hottest teams in college basketball. It wouldn't surprise me if they won this tournament.
Q. Coach, with Jarrett's last shot was that what you looking for there? What was the game plan going down the stretch with obviously that one-possession game with West Virginia?
CHRIS BEARD: You know, I got a lot on my mind right now, so I don't want to be wrong. But you're talking about when they were up three?
Q. The last Derek Culver shot.
CHRIS BEARD: I understand, Carlos, they were up three?
Q. Yeah.
CHRIS BEARD: So, in that time you come down it's always about time and score. If you can take the quick two, you do. But I thought, you know, one of our best players, the most valuable player in the Big 12 gets a relatively open look for three. So I thought Jarrett made a good decision on that possession. I want him to take that shot.
THE MODERATOR: Coach, thank you so much.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
