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March 9, 2019

Venus Williams

Indian Wells, California

V. WILLIAMS/P. Kvitova

4-6, 7-5, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Down a set and a double break there. How did you turn that around?
VENUS WILLIAMS: Honestly, a double break is not ideal against a great server, especially a left-handed server. But the good part is being in matches, you just -- a lot of it is just being in the moment.

And I think I created some opportunities. I had some good points. I think she had a few tight points, and here we are.

Q. How much of this do you attribute -- not today, just today, but your first match, as well, to just grit and fight? You sort of mentioned that out on the court, the fight and determination and maybe stubbornness, too.
VENUS WILLIAMS: Honestly, it seemed like I played even better when I was down. I really didn't have any other choice because she was playing so well and serving so well. So it's nice to know that in that sort of situation I can still play and just lift my level.

Q. How much of a factor was the crowd today with you getting through that?
VENUS WILLIAMS: I'm definitely playing with the home crowd here, and I hopefully can take advantage of that energy and momentum.

It is exciting to have everyone behind you and to feel that energy. I enjoy it.

Q. With all the success you have had, Grand Slams, et cetera, a match like this, does it add to the memories, stand out a little bit more, because of what happened?
VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, I mean, definitely being down in those last two sets, it's definitely not easy to turn it around. That's for sure.

But, you know, I like to also know that I have opportunities all the time and that I can create those. So even when it's not looking great, I know that the match isn't over yet.

Q. During the match, the speed of your serve goes up and down. Was wondering for the reason for that.

Q. For your serve.
VENUS WILLIAMS: Oh, that's what I needed to do.

Q. So it's a tactical thing?
VENUS WILLIAMS: I never really talk about my tactics in here. I keep those for myself. All I can say is that's what I needed to do.

Q. Could you just talk a little bit about the fact that within about 24 hours Serena scored a great score over a tremendous champion last night, and her older sister comes back and scores another incredible win. Can you just put that in perspective and how wonderful that is?
VENUS WILLIAMS: Lots of great training and lots of good genetics. I mean, Serena had a tough first round. Not easy. Definitely a tough one for Victoria, as well. You'd like to think she could get further in the draw if she could, you know, not have to play as many tough matches so early.

But as for me, I don't know. Just trying to win my match no matter who is across the net.

Q. There is supposedly going to be a movie about your great dad. Can you share just one story that is fun or that you love about your wonderful father?
VENUS WILLIAMS: There are so many stories. I don't think I even have to tell one. You can look those up.

But more than anything, he was and is a great person, a great parent, and he did everything for his family, whatever it took. And I often think about that, how dedicated he was to, you know, being on the court with us, rain or shine or whatever it was. There is not a lot of people who could do that. I'm grateful.

Q. Do stats and facts and figures enter your mind at all? And not for one minute I'm suggesting you could be looking towards retirement, but at the age that you're at, do you look to past records like Billie Jean, Kimiko Date, winning titles at 39 and 40, and do you consider anything like that?
VENUS WILLIAMS: No. That's the simple answer.

Q. On match point, just the celebration you had, it was big, lots of energy. How much of that was a release of tension after a touch match, and how much was just satisfaction, and what were you satisfied about?
VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, the match we played was definitely worthy of a final. It's not ideal for her to see me in her part of the draw. I don't think anybody wants that. So I'm sure for her it was just not ideal.

This is a tournament I'm sure she could have played well at, and she's been playing well. For me, it was definitely, you know, having to play down the whole match and to be able to get that. And I wasn't really expecting an error. I was mostly expecting to do something big. It was just a fun moment.

Q. For all the crowds here, they say that this tournament is really special because it's the whole environment and everything. For you players, if you would say something about this tournament that makes it special, what would that be?
VENUS WILLIAMS: I think it's easy for everyone. I believe it's easy for the fans. I believe it's to park. It's easy to be on the grounds, at least for the players. Just being here is not only big stakes but at the same time very relaxing. So it's definitely a weird combination, but enjoyable. It's perfect.

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