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November 11, 2018

Lee Westwood

Sun City, South Africa

Q. You just shot 64 in the final round to win on this iconic course for the third time. This time it's a Rolex Series event, and your first win in four years. Describe how special this moment is to you.
LEE WESTWOOD: I'm a bit emotional to be honest. You're never sure whether you're going to be able to do it again. That back nine, you told us earlier in the week no lead was big enough. It was so tight today. You shot 31, 5-under par.

Q. Talk us through what was going through your mind as that was unfolding?
LEE WESTWOOD: Well, until now, my emotions have felt really under control all day, which is what I've been working on. I was just trying to hit fairways and stick to my game plan and hit it in the right places. I've got a bit of a process I'm going through with the golf swing. I'm starting to see better shots.

7-iron into 17 is probably one of the best shots I've ever hit. It all just worked, and it was great to it with Helen.

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