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October 25, 2018

Cheng-Tsung Pan

Shanghai, China

Q. How satisfying was that first World Golf Championship round for you?
C.T. PAN: It was great. I followed my strategy very well and made a couple really crucial putts out there for pars. That helped me a lot to stabilise my mind-set.

Other than that, I just played very good. Gave myself a lot of good opportunities, and the last hole was great. I putted off the green into the hole. So that's always a good finish.

Q. Conditions were not easy. Was it important to keep the bogeys off the card, which you successfully did.
C.T. PAN: Yes, I mean, the conditions are hard. It's windy and it's swirling. It's not consistent. So I hit a lot of low shots, just trying to keep it under control.

But you know, you still have to hit the fairway and the tee shots are hard. You cannot really feel the wind on the tee box because you are surrounded by the trees.

Overall, it's a great course. Great layout. Making less bogeys definitely helped. For me, I mean, I don't know the course very well, so that definitely helped me a lot.

Q. After a round like this, a good start like this, how do you refocus for the second round?
C.T. PAN: I think I will just follow my same strategy. I think I don't know the course very well and I'm still trying to find tempo. All I'm trying to do is try to play more conservative side and give myself more opportunities out there.

Q. The third week you have your brother, Fu-chiang, with you on the bag. How much fun is it to have your brother?
C.T. PAN: It's great. He's getting better. Last week I had an anger issue and said something bad on him, but other that that, he's getting better and I'm getting better with him, too. We had a blast out there.

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