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November 19, 1997

Monica Seles


Q. Monica, tough to lose a match like that when you were up a set in 4-1, then seemed out of it in the final set, very nearly got it back again.

MONICA SELES: I don't know quite what happened at 4-1. I missed that one volley every starts changing and I couldn't get my rhythm back and then the 5-4 game. I mean, she won a couple points and she played a lot better and missed less on the key shots. She's doing really well too.

Q. Monica, that overhead at 30-All in the last

game --

MONICA SELES: Which overhead? Not just that one. I had four key overhead misses. That definitely hurt my chances for winning the game or the match.

Q. Did she force you to go for a lob when she's retrieving everything like that, she's getting a lot of balls back. Does it force you to go for more?

MONICA SELES: I think I got probably a little more frustrated at myself. I let her back into the match. I was up two break and closed it off. And with her, you really got to close it off when you have a chance because she retrieves so many balls. And once or twice you miss it, you lose your confidence in the shots and that's all it takes.

Q. Do you feel tired at the end of the season?

MONICA SELES: No, I feel okay. I didn't play that many matches the last three weeks, so, I'm really not tired.

Q. But you lost early in Chicago and Philadelphia and then here. So, what's the matter?

MONICA SELES: Well, I guess I just haven't been playing well, not a lot of consistency in there. All the close matches, the last three matches pretty much all three of them I lost because of key points.

Q. I know it's your style to go for the lines but maybe if you hadn't quite gone quite so far and played it slightly straight, safer maybe that would have done it. Maybe you were going for absolute broke?

MONICA SELES: Well, it's hard for me to do that so I don't think I'm going for the lines I just hit it so automatically it depends where it goes.

Q. When do you plan to start next year and what are you going to be doing to prepare for it?

MONICA SELES: I plan to start in Sydney and then Melbourne at this point and pretty much what I've been doing up to now, same thing.

Q. Are you a hundred percent physically now from the injuries?

MONICA SELES: Yes, I have no injuries.

Q. How did you feel coming into this? Did you feel confident that you had a shot?

MONICA SELES: Well, I felt okay. I mean, the last two weeks I haven't played good tennis and I knew kind of Philadelphia is a lead up tournament. Look at Lindsay she's played some good tennis. Sometimes it doesn't mean as much. But definitely the last two weeks like I played I wasn't feeling I played I had a great shot at the championships.

Q. What do you feel in yourself, Monica, is the biggest difference in the fame from now and between 93?

MONICA SELES: I think the consistency and the consistency in the key points really those would be right now mostly.

Q. You did well coming to the net. Didn't you try more?

MONICA SELES: I did well, but I also -- a lot of times to retrieved my ball and key points, she just stayed in there and won when I was at the net, and I didn't finish her off. Probably I should have tried more and I should have gone to the net and should have finished the points off.

Q. What do you need to do to get back to the form that you had in the early '90s?

MONICA SELES: Well, I think a lot of good components have to come together and I think I have to sit down and think about that.

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