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October 6, 2018
Incheon, South Korea
Q. That was incredible.
SO YEON RYU: Well, actually a lot of long putt was quite aggressive speed, because In Gee already made a par so I knew I could play a little aggressive. I think that confidence really made me putting really well. I think it was really fortunate we actually stopped playing on the Friday at the seventh green, because I think the game was totally our side this morning.
Q. How confident were you coming back out this morning? It just seemed to be a totally new team.
SO YEON RYU: I just kind of like kept talking myself like it was very fortunate to stop on Friday. You know, like that's the sign of we (indiscernible). I think kind of like the magic just really worked.
Q. I saw on Instagram where you were rolling putts in your room in your house. How long did you do that?
SO YEON RYU: It was about like 20 minute. Well, since we couldn't play any golf yesterday I just really wanted to make sure I prepare 100% for Sunday.
Then I'm really glad our both team won both match.
Q. What you did you guys do yesterday?
IN GEE CHUN: We did a practice yesterday.
SO YEON RYU: Yeah. We did a practice together. We had dinner together. We had a really great bonding time.
Q. An indoor practice?
SO YEON RYU: It was actually we hitting (indiscernible). Like we have a really big range over there, so we all went to the range together to practice together and encouraging together. Even though after hit it bad, we just kept saying, Still good shot.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
