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September 27, 2018

Brett Boner

Charlotte, North Carolina

Q. So I know it didn't end quite the way you wanted it to, but you have to be pleased with the entire week.
BRETT BONER: I am. It's a very bittersweet ending because I played really poorly today for the most part. Made some bad decisions that I didn't realize at the time. Maybe experience has something to do with it.

But it was an incredible week with an enormous amount of the memories for my friends. To have this kind of support out here, you know, it was almost a dream come true. Almost.

Q. Then going back to the match, you guys were pretty back and forth on the front nine and then he went on kind of a run, five in a row.
BRETT BONER: Yeah, it wasn't so much he went on a run as I went the opposite direction. I made a really bone-headed move on 10, and my brain did not stop moving -- it was just moving too fast after I did. I wouldn't forgive myself and move on.

On a day like today with that many holes to play, experience should have been that I should have moved on and not worried about it. It's just one hole. I gave him so many holes today where he didn't have any stress. It was all because of my play.

Yeah, 10 through 14 I think he won was just brutal. I was proud that I hung in there. You start thinking all these crazy thoughts. Don't be that guy that loses 10 and 9 or whatever.

Q. Then coming into 18 you had a big putt to kind of keep the match close.

Q. Talk about that a little bit.
BRETT BONER: It was a great putt. It was. I knew that it was a putt that would give me momentum going into the afternoon, and it did. I hit two great shots on No. 1 and lipped my putt out. I hit two really good shots on No. 2 and lipped my putt out.

Then I hit a poor shot on 3 and gave him the hole. It was a poor shot. I don't so much think I gave it to him there.

And then on 5 I missed a makable birdie putt and he made his.

6 we both were in trouble and I messed up.

So, again, he kept receiving the momentum instead of me taking it from him.

Q. Then coming off the 18 the in morning and going into the break in between, what's going through your mind?
BRETT BONER: Well, few weeks ago in the Charlotte City Amateur was 4-down going into the last day here; the last rounds was here at Charlotte.

My goal that day was to play aggressive and who cares what happens and it worked. That's what I was trying to do today, but I wouldn't trust myself enough.

Q. Were you looking to make any changes coming in for the afternoon 18?

Q. More mental?
BRETT BONER: Only just mental commitment, yeah. Just say to heck with it, it doesn't matter, and just go and see happens.

Q. And then coming into the afternoon 18, it's a lot of golf in one week. How did you feel body-wise?
BRETT BONER: Pretty beat up. My feet and toes, a lot of blisters, so they're hurting pretty badly right now.

I'm surprised at how good my legs felt. It was good year the being in shape, so...

Q. Then coming back into the latter 18, you had a big putt on 7; kind of a similar to him to keep it in there.
BRETT BONER: Uh-huh. Yeah, I made a good putt on 7 but then he made it right on top of me.

I missed another short one on 9.

Made a good one on 10.

And hit maybe best 4-iron of my life on 11 and unfortunately missed the putt.

You know, I thought there was a little bit of momentum after I won 13.

Just pulled my tee shot a little bit on that hole, on 14, and it was under the tree a little bit. I was worried I was going to hit the tree so didn't commit to the shot and gave him another hole.

Q. Then you had the weather delay.

Q. Did that help? Hurt? Neither?
BRETT BONER: I don't think it did either. You're 4-down with four to play. You would be talking about miracles at that point. Miracles do happen, so my goal was to go out here and drive this green. Almost did.

Then I just hit a poor bunker shot again. I hated to finish that way, but, again, he played magnificent. He's a great player, so very happy for him.

Q. Coming into this week did you expect to be here in this moment in the finals?
BRETT BONER: I expected to get to match play, and I knew if I could commit and trust myself that I had the game.

You know, very proud of myself for getting here to the final. It is a huge accomplishment. I'm 44 years old. Who knows how many more of these that you'll get.

You hate to waste an opportunity like this, because I like I did waste it a little bit.

Q. And what does to say about amateur golf in North Carolina that both you guys are from this state?
BRETT BONER: Yeah, amateur goal in North Carolina is awesome. It truly is great. I don't play a whole lot of amateur tournaments in North Carolina, but the CGA does a good job and the players are really talented.

And, you know, that's one of the reasons, other than I wanted bentgrass greens, one reason I left the state for the qualifier. Not that there are worse players anywhere else, but always strong play in North Carolina.

Q. Being a finalists you're exempt into next year's U.S. Am which is in...
BRETT BONER: Pinehurst.

Q. Pinehurst. What does what mean to you?
BRETT BONER: I don't know yet. I don't know. It's cool. I never played in one. You know, I was thinking about it when I found out last night. Be a great time to take my family to Pinehurst and enjoy the week.

Q. What has this whole experience meant to you?
BRETT BONER: I got a ton the friends and ton of family, and it has been very, very special.

I just wish I was holding that trophy.

Q. Last thing: What's your biggest takeaway from this week?
BRETT BONER: That I got the talent, and that I played golf my whole life and it's been really good to me. This week was a culmination of all that I've tried to do with golf and I came up just a little short.

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