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August 29, 2018

Rafael Nadal

New York, NY, USA

R. NADAL/V. Pospisil

6-3, 6-4, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Gilles Muller retired on Monday at the US Open. The two of you played quiet a few times together, epic match last year.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I have good memories.

Q. How do you feel about him retiring? Could you address a few words to him regarding the next stage of his life?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, being honest, I didn't know that he was retiring. This year he was probably not having the result he was having last couple of years. He was playing great. But he's still a very competitive player, no?

He had an amazing career. We know each other since long, long time ago. Yeah, is fair enough that he decides to stop. I wish him all the very best and congrats for a great and long career.

Q. Talk about the importance about playing at night on a day like this where the extreme heat rule was put into play.
RAFAEL NADAL: Being honest, no, probably during the day is a little bit harder because the hot was a lot these couple of days. During the night, the humidity is even higher. Both things are tough.

But good thing is I think things going to improve next couple of days. We'll be able to see I think better tennis than what we saw first couple of days of the US Open because playing under that conditions is, first thing, not healthy, and second thing, is not good for nobody: not good for the fans, not good for the players. The show is a little bit worst under these conditions.

Q. Have you gotten used to waiting around all day to play at night?

Q. Have you gotten used to waiting all day and killing hours to play at night? How do you spend that time during the day?
RAFAEL NADAL: Nothing new for me. Just do my routine: wake up a little bit later, good breakfast, gym, some lunch, come here, practice a little bit, relax a little bit with the team. That's it. Be ready for the match. Easy.

Q. What happened when there was the warning for the shot clock expiring? Seemed like you were saying that Vasek had signaled or something or asked you to slow down?
RAFAEL NADAL: We can check in the video. The thing for me was very clear. I was ready to serve, and he was doing me like this (holding up his hand ). He had to breath or he was cramping, I don't know.

Vasek is a great guy. I was just waiting him. The umpire said me, Warning. I was very surprised. I went to the umpire saying, Listen, I was waiting because he needs. He asked me to wait.

She told me, Really? She didn't realize what was going on.

Being honest, my surprise is that Vasek didn't came to the umpire and say, That's what happened.

That's all. I was little bit surprised it was not that way.

Q. You were very clear when you were asked before this tournament that you don't love the idea of the clock. Sometimes it's okay for matches to be long matches. Those are often the matches people remember. Now that you've been playing with the clock a little bit what your opinion is?
RAFAEL NADAL: I played in Toronto with the clock. So when I said that before the tournament, you can check what I said because my answer will be the same. I played in Toronto with the clock.

The only thing that in my opinion is good is that the umpires are doing a good job. If they are doing the things the right way, that they wait to put the clock on when the points are so long, is not a problem.

Clock, in my opinion, is just a part of the show. If they do it too strict, I believe especially under some tough conditions, the show is worst because you can't play a couple points in a row, great rallies, with no time to recover.

But in my opinion they are doing a very good job.

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