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August 30, 2018
New York, NY, USA
N. DJOKOVIC/T. Sandgren
6-1, 6-3, 6-7, 6-2
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. You talked a bit about the crowd noise and your loss of concentration. Did you make any connection between the two of them?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, no. I was just referring to the atmosphere that night session at the US Open has. I mean, I'm used to it. I've played many times here. Has no connection to my loss of concentration. It was just me, being me sometimes, the other me that my first me doesn't like.
Q. Going back to your old coach, talk about the difference that has made. What has that done to change your game, any physical changes you've made?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It's a work in progress still. We are working daily on trying to perfect the game and put it together. Obviously last couple months have been really, really good in terms of results. But we both still feel that I have lots of room for improvement.
That's what's exciting about this sport and about my game in general, is that I still feel there are certain elements in my game that need some betterment. That's why you hit the practice courts daily and try to perfect the game.
Q. Let's talk about the other me. What don't you like about it? Is it better to try to embrace the other me?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, you just have to accept it sometimes. It surfaces. Sometimes doesn't. Sometimes is under control. But that's being a human being, I guess. Not human doing.
Q. Talk a bit more about Marian since he came back on your team? How important was he for this process?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Very important person in my life in general, someone that I consider family. It didn't take him long to really accept to work with me, and I'm very grateful to him. When he came back, obviously we had to analyze what has happened in the last 12 months that we were not together and try to understand the situation with my body, with my game, where we are at so that we can, you know, get it to the most satisfying levels that we are looking for.
I was mentioning that our long-term plan was to peak around this time in the US Open. It came earlier in Wimbledon, so we are very happy about it. But it's a process that it took time. It's still ongoing.
I trust him very much as a person and as a coach. He means a lot to me. I'm really glad to have him around.
Q. Tomorrow night Venus and Serena Williams are playing each other for the 30th time. What goes through your mind when you think about their matches?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't know how they do it honestly. I mean, I have utmost respect for both of them. I have two younger brothers. I was kind of imagining what it would be like if I had to play one of them. I mean, I don't know really.
Thankfully I won't experience that because I don't know if I would be able to kind of be that fierce competitor against my brother.
But they manage to do it. I mean, they play, as you say, 30 times. That's something that it's really impressive. As I said, respect. Respect for both what they have done in their careers and to see them play at their age still, keep on going. It's inspirational really for all of us.
Q. Can you tell us your opinion about the incident in the Kyrgios-Herbert match? Will this topic be discussed in the players council?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I heard a little bit about it, but I haven't seen it to be honest. I can't really talk to detail what happened. Mohamed, where he came down from the chair or not, he tried to encourage him to play better, that he has a responsibility towards the fans. Am I correct?
Q. Yes.
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I understand why people, maybe Herbert, is upset because that has happened. Obviously it's understandable. A chair umpire should be neutral.
But everybody who knows Mohamed knows as well he's quite different from others. He's always very positive, smiles, tries to bring that energy to the court. He likes to make a show, as well, out of it.
Knowing Mohamed, I really don't think that he meant to do it for any other reason but to really try to help Nick to understand that if he continues doing that, he might get, you know, fined or penalty or whatever, or warning.
I haven't seen it, as I say. From I what heard, knowing Mohamed, I think he has done it in a friendly way. He didn't want to probably sound that he's threatening Nick.
Again, I understand as well why people are speculating that should not happen. But I'll check out the video and I'll see more.
Q. When you take into account all the conditions, late in the season, weather, transportation, the noise, does it make it the toughest major to embrace?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think every major has its pros and cons, I guess. US Open is most known for its night sessions. When roof was introduced some years ago, it became even noisier. But, as I said, I'm used to it because I've played there many times. You just have to accept it. You can't expect that 23,000 people are quiet.
That's the beauty of night session US Open. Everybody knows that. Wimbledon is all white, it's tradition. You can't hear a sound when you play a point. Here it's different. That's why these majors are unique in their own way.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
