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August 12, 2018

Jon Rahm

St. Louis, Missouri

Q. Solid rounds of golf. Do you feel good about the tournament the way you played?
JON RAHM: I feel great. Top four in a major, it's the second one of the year, I would have taken that. I gave myself a chance, it's just, Brooks was really hard to catch up with. At one point I was I think within one or two shots, but he played amazing. Birdieing 7, 8 and 9 and then playing bogey-free, 2-under par on the back nine it would have required the second best round in a major and the lowest round at a PGA to tie him. So it's just -- he played great. It's just, Brooks, congratulations. He's been playing amazing, it's fun to watch, I just hope that I can join the fun some time.

Q. You say that and it seems like not that long ago you were really just starting to play in majors and you haven't been at this for all that long?
JON RAHM: It's only my second PGA, yeah.

Q. So do you sort of feel like it's just destiny that you will be hoisting championship hardware?
JON RAHM: I hope, I really hope. I want to. It's a goal of mine. I'm working on it. I think that this week was a huge milestone and when it comes to my mental aspect of the game, it was a thousand percent better than what it's been in the past and hopefully I can keep working, improving on it and become a much better role model than I've been until now, which is one of the main goals for this week and it's a goal of mine in my career. So it's just started, but I hope that my performance in tournaments and good behavior just keeps going and I always want to win a tournament.

Q. There was a time when you play the final major of the year and then sort of play out the string, but it's not that way anymore. Especially this year. You have FedExCup is huge and then obviously leading to Ryder Cup. So final major of the year, but certainly not the least significant tournament. So do you like the way that you're playing right now?
JON RAHM: I like the way the game is feeling right now. I think the weakest part of it, to be honest, the worst this week was my driving, which is highly unusual. But it is what it is. I'm glad, on a course like this where hitting fairways are a premium, I was able to shoot very good. And the lack of confidence with the driver is the main thing why I didn't have a better chance. But still, I could have holed a couple more putts, obviously, but still I'm glad, the driver usually for me is an easy fix, so I'm not too concerned about it. And putting, it just wasn't the week. So I'm feeling good about my game and yeah, the playoffs, Ryder Cup, World Golf Championships, in my case another TOUR Championship in Dubai where I'm defending, it's, I have a lot to look forward to in the next few months and definitely it's the last major, but it doesn't mean it's over.

Q. (No Microphone.)
JON RAHM: It's in your mind, definitely it's in your mind. Especially for those who technically are closer to qualifying. I mean, Francesco is definitely qualified and Rose is as well. I like to think of myself as well, right? So it's exciting times for me, I'm trying not to think too much about it just because I haven't played in the Ryder Cup and there's a lot to play before that, but, yeah, you can feel it, you can feel it. When me and Rickie played together today you could hear things. People start to treat it like what it is. It's fun, to be honest, it's a very small preview of what it could be. Even though it won't be even close to what it's going to be. But you can start feeling, the next few weeks it's going to be even more, and Atlanta is going to be, if one of us Europeans is close to winning it, it's definitely you're going to feel it.

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