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August 9, 2018

Rafael Nadal

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

R. NADAL/S. Wawrinka

7-5, 7-6

Q. You must be pretty happy with that level in just your second hard court match.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, it was a good match, no? Of course a very positive victory for me against a very tough opponent. Happy to see Stan playing that well again. As you say, it was a good quality of tennis tonight.

So I'm very pleased, no? That's what I needed, a match like this, to be a little bit more confident, and I did. So just happy to be in the quarterfinals already.

And tomorrow another opportunity to play against a big opponent like Marin.

Q. Your second match with the shot clock. Could you just talk about it in general? And also did you feel there was a difference in the way it was being implemented in your first match and today? Because I felt the umpire was a lot more on the clock today.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, it depends. I feel today was a little bit quicker, the things. Depends on the umpire, how quick he puts the clock going.

So that's it, no? I follow the rules. I just need to get used to play like this, and I don't have any doubt that I will.

Q. To have such a tough opponent push you so hard, does it give also to you the possibility to test your level now? It's not so easy to find someone who hits hard as Stan did tonight.
RAFAEL NADAL: I know Stan already won two great matches in this tournament, so I know it will be a good challenge, and that's what -- of course it was like this, no?

So after that, I feel happy because it was only the second match after the period outside and played, in my opinion, well and it give me the chance to play again tomorrow. And that's what I need today, no? Matches, spend hours on court.

And I know I am playing well since I came back from the injury, on clay, on grass. And I need to play well now on hard again, no? So let's make that happen.

Q. You were up before the rain delay and then that happened, and then you started a little bit roughly when you came back. As a player, what does that do for your momentum when you come back?
RAFAEL NADAL: We're used to that, no? It's nothing new for us that we have to stop for the weather. That's part of our sport and we need to deal with it, no?

So I just stayed focused, talked a little bit with the team on the locker room, and just came back with the right energy.

Q. You hit I think six drop shots that all counted as points for you. They worked. I guess you kept it unpredictable and I guess you showed that it works on the hard courts today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, depends on the opponent, depends on the situation in the match. And as I said the other day, no? If you hit the drop shot at the right moment, it can be very effective in any surface.

But to hit the drop shot, the first thing that you need to be is in attack position, no? So you need good position on court. So when I do the drop shots, it's because I have the advantage in the point.

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