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July 4, 2018

Katie Swan

Wimbledon, London, England


6-0, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Sorry to go back to the first set, the way it started, did she just come out at a very, very high level and nothing you could do or did you feel there was something internal to you? Nerves or what was the reason?
KATIE SWAN: I think it was a combination. I definitely felt nerves going out there, which I think is a good thing, because it meant I really cared and I still wanted to win. Even after winning my first match, I wanted to keep going in the tournament. And unfortunately I didn't play my best today.

But I have to give credit to her because she really didn't give anything to me, and especially in the first set it was tough, really tough, but there is still a lot of positives I can take from this week.

Q. Did Andy sort of speak to you before or have any words even afterwards?
KATIE SWAN: He sent me a text before the match just saying good luck. Everyone is right behind you. But I didn't get a chance to see him.

Q. When you said earlier on you think the levels, you two are quite close in that level, what do you think you need to do to close the gap further?
KATIE SWAN: I think just gain experience playing at this level. I found myself that practicing here last week, preparing for Wimbledon, I was playing every day with top 100, top 50 players, and I haven't had that for the last year because I have only been playing in 25Ks. And I think every day I have improved and every day I'm getting more confidence that I can compete at this level and I have shown it this week, I had my first top-50 win.

Today the scoreline suggests that it was pretty easy, but I did feel that there are some positives to take from the match, and I didn't -- I mean, the first set was 6-Love, but I felt like I still had some chances, especially at the beginning of the second set.

Q. What do you learn from a match like that? They were saying in sport you learn from defeats, don't you? Probably learn more than you do from wins. What do you learn from an experience of a match like that?
KATIE SWAN: I talked to my coach a little after the match, and I think I just need to gain, like I said before, gain experience competing at this level a lot, because the more I do, the more I'll get used to it and become more consistent being able to play at that speed.

For me, I think the biggest thing is the consistency, because I showed today that I can play some great points, but I just don't think I did it -- well, I definitely didn't do it consistently enough. So that's the goal, and that's what I'll be working on when I go home and start practicing.

Q. I think you said earlier this year one of your goals was to be in US Open quallies by rights. I think this week you've probably just about done enough to do that?
KATIE SWAN: Yeah, I think actually before Wimbledon I was already in, because US Open is a bigger draw than the other slams. Yeah, I'm definitely going to be going there.

Q. Further ahead, as you climb up, new career high ranking, I guess top 100 is something you'll have in mind?
KATIE SWAN: Yeah, we actually briefly talked about it as a team, and I think I have to readjust my ranking goals for the rest of the year, because I have already exceeded what I was hoping for for this grass season. So that's a positive, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the year.

Q. You see the results Katie Boulter has had. Does that inspire you and make you feel you can kind of climb up the rankings?
KATIE SWAN: Yeah, she's been doing so well and I think a lot of the British girls have, so it's great to see. And we are all pushing each other and everyone wants to keep getting better. I think we're all going to start seeing each other at these bigger tournaments, at WTAs instead of 25s now. That's pretty exciting.

Q. Is Katie sort of seen as the leader of your little group? Are there dynamics like that?
KATIE SWAN: I don't think so. We're all doing our best. We're all different ages, as well. Everyone comes through at different times, and it's great that she's doing well, but everybody else is doing well, too. I think everything is going well for us.

Q. What schedule do you play from here?
KATIE SWAN: So far I'm just going home to the States for a few weeks. I'll train, and then we'll decide on schedule from there.

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