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July 6, 2018

Sam Saunders

White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia

Q. Sam, season best round 63, got to be pretty pleased. What was the best part of the game today?
SAM SAUNDERS: Honestly, the way my caddie Spencer and I talked out there, you know, we got off to a good start this year and I've been playing pretty well all year. I kind of had a bad stretch recently where I just haven't had the success. I think you get a little lazy throughout the year. It's a long season, and you can get kind of complacent with what you're doing.

I hit some, you know, some bad shots in the past few weeks just because I wasn't thinking the right way. I wasn't picking the right targets. I wasn't really going through the process of making a good selection. So far through two days we've done that really well this week.

Q. Yeah, you gave yourself a lot of birdie opportunities. The iron play has been pretty good.
SAM SAUNDERS: Yeah, much better. Like I said, I really think that comes down to more picking good targets and picking good clubs and really going through a specific number to hit versus just saying, yeah, it's a 7-iron, let's hit it. So getting specific out there has helped a lot and I'm making some putts too, which is always nice.

Q. We're getting late in the season, you're 132 in FedExCup points. Top 10 finish here would do a lot for you. A win would do a whole lot. You've got to be excited about this weekend.
SAM SAUNDERS: Yeah, I started this year saying I want to try to win golf tournaments. It's easy to start thinking make -- making the FedExCup playoffs is so important to all of us out here. It's what we're all out here to to do. But at the end of the day, you want to try to win golf tournaments. You want to put your name on trophies. I'm still looking for that first one, and I'm really trying to focus on trying to win a golf tournament. And, you know, obviously in the back of my mind though, I really want to make sure I make it into those playoffs and I've got a great opportunity to lock up all that stuff this weekend.

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