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June 30, 2018

Marcus Kinhult

Paris, France

Q. Another great round of golf from you, birdie start, double-bogey and five birdies in a row on the front nine.
MARCUS KINHULT: Yeah, the front nine has been good to me all week. Yeah, I got off to a shaky start. Hit some bad swings to be honest, a little bit nervous. Feeling the pressure.

But yeah, making, as you say, four birdies in a row, getting some momentum through that, and yeah, just felt good. Felt good.

Q. In terms of the mental side, you dropped a shot on the back nine but immediately got a birdie back to cancel it out, as well. It's always nice to respond straightaway.
MARCUS KINHULT: Yeah, bounce-backs, they are always welcome. I'm just trying to be patient out there. The golf course is really hard and you've got to take your chances and create your chances. I think I did that well today.

Q. Obviously a tough closing stretch. You finished it solidly today. It's a course maybe you can't push it late on in the round, so you've got to stay patient.
MARCUS KINHULT: Yeah, from 15, it's actually a good chance. 16, as well. 17 is a good chance if you hit a good drive. 18 is pretty tough. It depends on where they place the pin.

But yeah, it's a good test from the first to the last hole. As I said, you have to take your chances when they come.

Q. Final group tomorrow, Rolex Series Event, you said you were nervous today, and I'm sure those nerves will be there tomorrow, BUT how much are you looking forward to the challenge?
MARCUS KINHULT: It's going to be nerve-wracking, the first few holes, at least. We'll see. I felt the nerves today for sure. Yeah, tomorrow is going to be the same I guess.

So just trying to handle that and handle myself as well as I can, and obviously it's a lot of fun.

Q. The early part of the round, double-bogey at the second but five in a row from the fifth. Was that in the zone? What were you feeling at that stage?
MARCUS KINHULT: Yeah, kind of. I just felt good. I hit some really good iron shots. Yeah, as you said, it was a bit of a shaky start, but then, yeah, just hit some good shots and felt better and better throughout the round. The momentum kind of kept me going in there. So that's good.

Q. That back nine is extremely daunting and you looked totally calm. What was going on inside? Were you feeling calm?
MARCUS KINHULT: Not on every shot. It's a hard golf course. But yeah, just try to be patient and commit to every shot, which I think I did.

And that's the things you can't control, I guess. Yeah, Chris played really well today, so I think maybe we helped each other a little bit on the back nine.

Q. How excited about the possibilities tomorrow?
MARCUS KINHULT: Yeah, it's a great opportunity obviously. Yeah, I'm just looking forward to the first tee and to get going again. It was a lot of fun today. Yeah, exciting tomorrow.

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